Not easy to discipline your curls, natural or permanent. Follow the advice of the hairdresser Christophe Nicolas Biot, to properly define your undulations while mastering their volume.
How to wash curly hair?
First of all, you have to use a shampoo adapted to this type of hair. The rinsing requires special attention because it is necessary to disgorge the water which is inside the fibers. To do this, sponge your hair using a towel. Your curls will then be light and plump.
What are the care to be given to curly hair?
Natural or permanent curls are much more sensitive than other hair natures. Their scales are much more open. This is why they must be tightened by moisturizing them. This is done using a nourishing mask that is applied after each shampoo. Then, I recommend the use of a serum or a special “loops” two -phase oil to lubricate and round the undulations and avoid frizz.
How to dry curly hair?
If you use a dryer, prepare your headache overturned at medium temperature, then let them dry in the open air. If necessary, redraw your curls by hand.
How often should it be done?
Only after each shampoo by putting the head forward. Spray them slightly with water to rework the curls. That’s it.
How often should you renew its permanent?
The right timing is twice a year. If you do too often, your curls may be less and less beautiful.