While his film “A little extra thing” has just won an appointment to the César, Artus will be back in the cinema on February 5 in “La Pampa”. For this role, he lost 35 kilos (and thousands of euros).
No dead time for Artus, who returns as an actor in the film The Pampa, In cinemas from February 5. A feature film in which the 37-year-old actor embodies a character repressing his homosexuality. For this project, he lost 35 kilos.
Very thinned artus: how he lost weight
Questioned by The Parisian weekendArtus spoke of the shooting of The Pampa And the efforts it asked for him: “I lost 35 pounds to turn in the pampa. Food is my only vice, and I will always have to monitor my weight. In life, if you take me sex and food, I leave the project. “Already, on the set ofWe redo the TVon RTL, Artus had been able to talk about this significant weight loss. “”I am very happy to have done it for this role, it was the motivation (…) I lost in 4 months. With food and sport. It takes a real motivation because it was 4 months head in the handlebars …“, He said with frankness.
More specifically, as pointed out The ParisianArtus also took out the checkbook to help him lose his extra pounds. In his latest show, he tells on stage that he had spent the tidy sum of 10,000 euros for a slimming cure in Germany. Here, well, that tells us something … in The big headsLaurent Ruquier had mentioned his cure made in Germany a few years ago with Isabelle Mergault … Would it be the same?
Artus uncomfortable with his body?
If the actor and director of the cardboard A little extra thing – Named in the César category for the best first film – is happy to have lost weight for his next film, he assures that it also makes him good in his personal life. “”I don’t really believe in this thing to say en masse: ‘I am very big and everything is fine. I assume myself like that. ‘ No, in real life we have back pain, we struggle to do certain things, it’s not pleasant!“Said Artus on RTL.
The actor claims not to believe either in the trend of “Body positivism“And add:”I live much better. I no longer have a back pain, I breathe better, my blood tests are better … It’s a set because it does not exist someone 90 years old who is 150 kilos. “