Jeanne Mas had to undergo some unpleasant moments to achieve success in the 80s. But at the time, she had ended up making a lot of money. The 66 -year -old singer confided in the microphone of Europe 1.
Jeanne Mas experienced a triumph in the 80s, especially with her tube In red and black. But to achieve this recognition, she had to go through unpleasant moments, especially when she was to occur in summer in nightclubs …
Jeanne Mas, faced with her success of the 80s: “I saw what I had won and there …“”
Jeanne Mas, who releases her new album My Elix And performs on the Trianon stage in Paris from February 27 to March 2, is undoubtedly an icon of the 80s. But before obtaining this status, the now 66 -year -old singer had to comply with an exercise that she did not particularly appreciate. “”At the time, I was going to make small concerts in nightclubs. I hated that because people were all drunk, but it had to be done for a few francs at the time! “she recently entrusted to the microphone of Europe 1.
If at the beginning she did not understand why she had to endure these evenings, the native of Alicante, in Spain, ended up perceiving the impact of these representations in nightclubs. At the time, Jeanne Mas began to earn her life very well. “When I returned in September, everyone was super excited because it was sold at 30,000 records per day, but for me it represented nothing. After, I saw what I had won and there, that represented something!“”
Jeanne Mas “not good in business“:”I did a lot of nonsense“”
But with hindsight, the mother of the novelist Victorias Mas (38 years old) and the engineer her Christopher (33) assures that money has never been his engine: “I believe that any artist of course runs towards the recognition of his talent and loves that his audience knows his songs, but I believe that we are more in creation than in the desire to earn money because we do not Don’t see it as a business “. And to conclude: “We see this as a part of ourselves, we want to be loved through our art“”
Moreover, Jeanne Mas, who has lived for a long time in the United States, may have “had a nice bank account“In the 1980s, she had trouble managing him, according to her confidences at the microphone of RTL.”I did lots of nonsense, I was not good in management. I bought houses and then sold them at half price. That’s really very stupid, but I’m not good in business“She said.