For a month, this journalist followed a vegan diet. Here are the changes she could quickly observe on her body.
Some follow the Dry January, while for others, it is rather the Veganaary! But, what exactly is it? Quite simply, changing your lifestyle by becoming vegan for a month, generally that of January, but it works of course, for every month of the year. By changing the diet overnight, you will quickly see the effects on your body. What are they concretely? To find out, a journalist shared his experience on the magazine website Glamor Germany. Has she seen effects on her weight, her mood or her skin? Here’s what happened.
First of all, a reminder of what a vegan diet is. Eating vegan means completely avoiding animal products. This includes meat, fish, but also dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt) and honey. It is a rather restrictive regime so to carry it out, it is better to be motivated. This is the case of Anna Bader, who, by reading everywhere that a vegan diet could have many advantages, decided to verify it by itself. Today, being vegan is in vogue, so there are a whole bunch of substitutes for cow’s milk, cheese, to allow you to adopt a healthy and varied diet. The young woman explains: “I did not notice large differences in my health, even if I lost a little abdominal fat.” Indeed, vegan diet is ideal for losing weight, because it is rich in fiber, complex carbohydrates and good fats. If it is not miraculous, it can still be a good starting point to start a food rebalancing. But, the most notable change in its new routine has simply seen on its skin. “After a month of vegan diet, I had a much clearer skin than before. It was probably due to the fact that I avoided dairy products, which, like sugar, can cause imperfections”, she said. It is known that cow’s milk in particular could be a trigger for skin problems such as acne or redness.
The editor also noted that she had more energy than before. For example, after sport, she found the form faster. It’s worth trying!