In the 9th arrondissement of Paris, a stone’s throw from the Grands Boulevards and Montmartre, one of the most important sites currently currently underway in the capital. Local residents can visit it, in order to better understand its objective and more easily accept work sometimes … noisy.
© Mipim
– with its canopy hanging at 17 meters high and its central steam heating system, this building shone by its innovative character in the beautiful era
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Whether you are Parisian, provincial or tourist, you have probably already passed without knowing it before theone of the most colossal sites currently underway in the capital. A project chosen by Nicolas Kozubek, Managing Director of Mipimto hold there, at the end of January, the launch conference of this real estate show, which takes place from this Tuesday, March 11 in Cannes, until Friday. A site in the heart of Paris, in the 9th arrondissement, a stone’s throw from the Grand Rex and the Folies Bergère. It is precisely rue Bergère, at number 14, that the renovation ofA 26,000 square meter buildingbuilt in 1880 to house the headquarters of the National Contempte Comptoir, ancestor of the BNP Paribas bank. The latter sold it in 2019 in Lasalle Investment Management, a real estate investment specialist, which undertook to renovate it. For the sum of around 100 million euros, “In accordance with the amounts in force for operations of this scale”precise at Capital Marc Fauchille, one of the leaders of LaSalle.
With its canopy hanging 17 meters highits central steam heating system and a tire distribution, this building, registered in the additional inventory of historic monuments, shone by its innovative character in the heyday, when “France was enthusiastic about industry and international trade, radiated and trusted it”recalls Philippe Chiambaretta, architect of the PCA-Stream Agency winner of this transformation project.
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Pedagogy to “board” residents in this renovation
Today, “This very closed building in itself, must be open to the neighborhood, in order to respond to new uses of offices»»he explains. “To attract talents, office buildings must be considered as reception places, with services”adds Marie-Laure Leclercq de Sousa, who directs the activities of the JLL corporate real estate specialist in France. In the post-Covid era, the office is more than ever “A place of socialization, of creation”she adds. This is why number 14 on rue Bergère will welcome, on the ground floor, a restaurant, a bar, a hotel, a coworking space, a gym, also open to the public. This at the end of work started in 2023 and which will end at First quarter 2026.
Partly work “Noisy”recognizes Thomas Rousseau, Managing Director of Bouygues Building Ile-de-France Private Renovation. “We adapt their schedules to those of the Conservatoire de Musique” nearby, assures the manager, who admits the need for “embed them residents»» in such a colossal project for the neighborhood, in “Pedagogy”. Everyone has the possibility of visiting the site, in order to better understand its purpose, by registering with the building company. A site for which the city of Paris, under its PLU (Local Urban Plan) Bioclimatic adopted in November 2024, “Would ask to plan A share of housing, If the building permit was filed today ”underlines Lamia El Aaraje, assistant to the mayor of the capital in charge of town planning. “Parisian companies tell me that their employees, whether they come from popular, medium or easier classes, can no longer accommodate themselves in the capital”where the average price of the square meter amounts to 9,500 euros About, argues the elected.
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