“The words give shape to the future”. This is the theme chosen for the Non -hostile communication festival 2025 (complete program here) which takes place at the Convention Center of Trieste Friday 21 and Saturday 22 February.
The event, now in its seventh edition, is organized by Words o_stili, awareness project that for years has been dealing with contrasting the phenomenon of the violence of words through the sharing of a manifesto, written and voted by a community of Over 300 communicators, marketers, content creators, which contains 10 principles useful to redefine the style with which to be on the net.
In this edition the decalogue will open to the world of AI with the presentation of the first manifesto of non -hostile communication and artificial intelligence. The protagonist of this year will be the Generation Z Which, together with the other participants, will be called to define a “word of the future” that manages to represent the values of inclusiveness, respect, diversity. To give shape to this new word will be, on the morning of Friday 21 February, i 30 intergenerational work tables In which students, school managers and teachers will participate, CEO, managers, HR managers and communication of companies, personality of institutions, journalism, communication, science, associations. In the afternoon, the moment dedicated to partner companies of Words o_stili for a dialogue and training meeting with over 100 representatives of the business world.
A training session dedicated to journalists on the topic of “Understanding digital polarization: a glossary from Gen Z to Boomers” To explore the dynamics of polarization and toxic practices in digital contexts and discover how different generations – from Gen Z to Boomers – participate and react to these practices, providing a shared glossary to interpret an increasingly complex and fragmented communication panorama. The meeting will participate Giovanni Boccia Artieri, Full Professor of Sociology of digital media and Internet Studies at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo, sociologist and essayist; Sara Bentivegna, Professor of political communication at the Sapienza University of Rome; Elisabetta Zurovac, researcher and professor at the University of Urbino Carlo Bo; Stefano Arduinidirector of Vita Magazine and Vita.it.
On the second day, that of Saturday 22 February, starting from 9 and until 18.00, the plenary will be held with guests and experts who will alternate on the stage between talk, panel and interviews. Among the characters present Pierluigi Dal PinoSenior Regional Director Government Affairs Western Europe by Microsoft on “Hearts and bits. Because humanism and digital must beat in unison “; Cecilia Cantarano, Content Creator from 1.2 million followers on Instagram and 3.5 million on Tik Tok will be engaged at the moment “Anxiety, panic and other friends. What does “mental health” mean for the new generations “.
The festival will also be an opportunity to reflect on the relationship between generation Z and journalism with “I chose the worst work in the world?”, The talk will participate in Mariangela Pira by Sky Tg24, Francesco Cancellatodirector of Fanpage.it, David PuenteDeputy director of Open e Bianca Arrighinico-founder and medium-fierce CEO.
Space also to the great smartphone and minor theme with a debate on the role of school and family in the growth of analog and digital life of the new generations. It will be discussed with Stefania Crema, an expert lawyer of family and minor relationships e Giulio Pasqui, Webbah Founder.
On Saturday afternoon Licia Fertz, 93 -year -old influencer of “Buongiorno Grandma”, Triestina DOC inserted by the BBC among the 100 most influential women in the world in 2023, Don Alberto Ravagnani, Under 30 Star of Social Stars together with the writer and Content Creator Riccardo Pedicone they will animate the intergenerational debate “in my time. Dialogue to find out if there are truly generations ”, accompanied by Chiara Bidoli, Capoder of Corriere della Sera – Children & parents.
But how is the behind the scenes of the digital world? How does the professional management of social media work? They will answer this question Enrico MarchettoBore’s Founder, Benedetta BalestriOne Shot Agency Founder together with Edoardo Scottisocial media manager of @loziogery, official account of the showman Gerry Scotti, Francesca Nonino, the influencer of the grappa, Miriam FrigerioBrand Manager of Sorgenia e Norma Cerletti Aka “Norma’s Teaching”, the most famous English teacher on the web. U
n other meeting will instead be dedicated to relationship between gen z and work As part of “Uncle, do not ask myself what I will do when I grow up” they will participate together with the general director of Asstel, Laura Di Raimondo, Walter Ruffinoni Executive leader e Fabiana Andreani, Expert in work orientation and popularizer on social media with over 8 million likes on Tiktok, a representative of the Crédit Agricultural Group in Italy and a startup representative who are part of the Italian circuit of Le Village by Ca, the Crédit innovation system Agricultural.
Communication not hostile in the center also in the context of “Words that connect. Tool for a comparison responsible also in the disagreement “, The moment of reflection in which they will participate Bruno Mastroianni, Philosopher and author of “The happy dispute. Fighting you learn ”, Carlotta Valitutti, ViceBookradio deputy director, together with Vincenza GargiuloHead of Social Media, Eni’s Digital Content & Engagement.
Another moment of study will be dedicated to the theme of inclusive language and obesity with “There is no more correct shape” 25 words to talk about obesity inclusive. (in collaboration with Lilly), the meeting in which Benedetta Bitozzi, Associate Director Communication, Advocacy, Policy of Eli Lilly Italia, Aurora Caporossi, Founder of Animo, Edoardo Mocini, doctor dietician in feeding and Iris Zani, president of the ‘ Association “Amici Obese”.
The centrality of language as an inclusion tool is the basis of the Dubby project, developed by words O_Stili for Sky, a real vocabulary of inclusive terms, designed to be easy to consult thanks to a structure similar to that of a search engine, who will be at the center of the talk with the linguist and activist Real gheno together with Giuseppe Musci, Diversity Inclusion & Bigger Picture by Sky, and Andrea Notarnicola, Corporate Consultant in Newton Spa also will also be among the protagonists of the Festival who with the appointment “Algorithms” will try to understand how smartphones and Gen Z have changed the music together with Jody Cecchetto, Giulia Lizzoli, Head of Music Operations Seu by Tiktok, Gabriela Mandiuc, Music & Tech Consultant.
To dialogue with them there will also be the Absolute zero, Also protagonists of a special interview that will culminate in a musical moment.
Generation Z, social media and irony: here are the ingredients of “keyboard lion” the interview of the activist lawyer Cathy La Torre in Aurora Leone Of The Jackal to find out how, with irony and awareness, the challenges of contemporary communication can be faced.
“Drawing the future starting from communication and conscious use of words has always been a goal of our project,” he explains Rosy Russo, Founder of words O_stili, “do it with the gaze of the youngest – and above all together with them – is the challenge. For this reason, the Festival will first be a great moment of listening between the noises of the generations: meetings and clashes, dreams and fears, appearances and absences. We will try to recognize ourselves, tune in, find meeting spaces, inside and outside the net. Because the future needs dialogue and the dialogue needs the right words, of those words that give shape to the future ».