There are more and more in organic stores or supermarkets.
It has been used for a long time in Indian cuisine and there are more and more in organic stores, or even on the “spread” shelves of supermarkets. Cuckle nut butter, or cashews, is simply a very creamy dough made from cashews cooked in the oven, toasted or roasted. Versatile, it spreads on sandwiches, decorates a sauce, replaces butter in pastries, brings creamy to a smoothie, in topping in white cheese … What are its health benefits?
Its number 1 advantage is its wealth in protein: there are 21 grams per 100 g of product, about 5 grams per portion, which is a little less than an egg and the same than peanut butter. This good protein content makes her a snack or a full breakfast. It is also rich in good fats (omega 3, omega 9), good for the heart and cholesterol. It is also well provided with magnesium, an essential mineral for the nervous system, muscle relaxation, joints and mood. It fits perfectly within the framework of a balanced or sporting diet.
Despite everything, cashew butter remains fatty, naturally sweet and very caloric (618 calories per 100 g), a little more than peanut butter or surprisingly more than Nutella © (but the nutritional profile of cashew butter is much more interesting). So do not abuse it: up to 10-15 g, or 2 teaspoons per day, “It corresponds to the portion of oilseed fruits recommended per day“, Underlines Amandine Berthaud, dietician-nutritionist and creator of the amaditetic Instagram account. Beyond, he can make people fat”Like all excess fats “.
Watch out for its composition and quality: ideally, choose a 100%cashew nut puree, without added sugars, palm oil or hydrogenated oil, organic, and rather “nature” according to the cooperative extension service from the University of Kentucky. You can also do it “home”, “Starting by brown 5-10 min 250g of cashew – very important step to bring the natural fat out of nuts and therefore not add oil in the butter when mixing, then put in a good blender, with 2 with teaspoons of cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of coarse sea salt (optional), until you get a smooth paste“, Recommends Anaïs Da Silva, certified nutrition coach.