The Pope’s health is confirmed as the topic of greatest interest for 30%of Italians, followed by European policy (19%) and inflation on a national scale (19%). This is what emerges from the new search forObservatory Opinion Leader 4 Futurethe information analysis project promoted by Credem and Almed (high school on average, communication and show of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart). The study, started in 2023 in continuity with the previous research of the three-year period 2020-2022, has the aim of improving information culture and increasing public awareness on issues of great importance.
Research data: Pope’s health in the first place
The survey, conducted between 3 and 7 March 2025 on a sample of 5,000 Italians fromCatholic University in collaboration with the Bilendi Research Institutehas analyzed the most followed topics in recent weeks. The health of the Pontiff It was first among the information concerns of Italians (30%), with a particular interest between over 64 (36%) compared to the 18-44 band (26%). The theme is more followed by women (32%) than men (27%).
The interest in the European policy He grew up significantly, attesting to 19% (22% among men and 16% among women). The data is particularly significant considering that, in previous surveys, this theme did not appear among the most followed. Attention has increased due to the current political, economic and environmental challenges that the European Union is facing.
THE’inflation and the dear-lifealso at 19%, they are warned above all by young people under 44 years old, with a gap of five percentage points compared to the over 64. Economic concerns, however, show a clear gender difference: 22% of men declare themselves worried about the economic situation of the country, against 13% of women. On the other hand, the politics and parties attract only 7% of the attention of the public.
International Focus: Ukraine in the foreground, little interest for the Middle East and the USA
Globally, the Conflict in Ukraine It continues to arouse a strong interest, with 17% of Italians who consider it a priority topic. The figure shows a significant increase compared to the detection of March 2024, when the percentage stood at 12%.
On the contrary, the American politics and the situation in Middle East They attract less attention: 8% and 5% of respondents respectively declare themselves interested. This figure suggests a growing focus of Italians on Europe’s political responses rather than on international events outside the continent.
Marginal interest in social issues, with some exceptions
Social and civic issues do not seem to occupy a central position in the information agenda of the Italian population. However, the theme of sustainability It stands out, especially among the under 44 (11%), compared to 6% of the 45-64 band and 7% of the over 64.
Another theme that emerges selectively concerns the crimewhich affects 10% of women, while only 6% of men believe it priority.
The debate on information: an event at the Catholic University
The research results will be presented on the occasion of the open lesson “Too much information, little awareness”scheduled for Wednesday 19 March at 3 pm at the Bontadini classroom of the Catholic University of Milan. During the event, experts in different disciplines will analyze the relationship between the information overload and the ability to understand and discern the public.
Among the planned interventions:
Frediano Finuccijournalist of La7 and author of Satellite operationwill discuss how information redundancy can reduce the emotional impact of news, especially for conflicts such as the one in Ukraine.
Matteo Tarantinoprofessor of the Catholic University, e Luigi Iaesiresponsible for the external reports of Credem, will address the theme ofinformation addiction linked to sustainability.
Stefania Garassiniexpert on digital media, will analyze the importance of punctual information and not lined up for families.
True lomazziprofessor at the University of Bergamo and member of the ACLI Lombardia presidency, will deepen the problem of economic dependence and female unemployment.
Patrizia Laurentiprofessor of general hygiene at the Catholic University, e Malgorzata WachockaPoliclinico Gemelli prevention technician will talk about effective strategies for health communication and prevention.
Research availability
The full version of the study is available on the official website of Opinion Leader 4 Future | High Almed schools.