Emergency numbers in France:
- Samu: 15
- Police: 17
- Firefighters: 18
- SOS Doctor: 36 24
Anti-poison centers:
- Angers: 02 41 48 21 21
- Bordeaux: 05 56 96 40 80
- Lille: 0 825 812 822
- Lyon: 04 72 11 69 11
- Marseille: 04 91 75 25 25
- Nancy: 03 83 32 36 36
- Paris: 01 4005 48 48
- Rennes: 02 99 59 22 22
- Strasbourg: 03 88 37 37 37
- Toulouse: 05 61 77 74 47
Other assistance numbers in France:
- Government of the government to answer your questions about the Coronavirus COVVI-19 Permanently, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: 0 800 130,000
- Health Listening: 0 800 150 160
- SOS Friendship: 0 820066 06
- Suicide Listening: 01 45 39 4000
- The Red Cross Ecout: 0 800 858 858
- Samu Social – Rescue to shelters: 0 800.306.306 or 115
- Family schedule: 0 800 115 115
- MalTreed Childhood: 119 or 0 800.05.41.41
- AIDS Info Service: 0 800 840 800
- Fil Health Young: 0800 235 236 – https://www.fillesantesjeunes.com/ Information and call for all ages: https://www.onsxprime.fr/ Houses of adolescents info and Addresses: https://www.filantesjeunes.com/carte_md
- School harassment: www.nonauharcelement.education.gouv.fr
- No to harassment: 3020 (free service and call), open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 18 (except public holidays).
- SOS RAPA: 0 80005 95 95
- SOS Friendship: 01 4009 15 22
- SOS women (difficulties or violence): 03 25 06 50 70
- Homophobia SOS: 0810 118 135
- SOS Suicide: 01 40 44 46 45
- Suicide prevention: 3114 (new green number against psychological distress since 1.10,2021)
- Anorexia/Bulimia: 041 45 43 44 75
- Listen to cancer: 0810 810 821
- Conjugal violence: 01 40 33 80 60
- Rape women Information: 0800059 595
- Victims and witnesses of domestic violence: 3919
- Victims of racial discrimination: 114
- Tobacco Info Service: 3989
- Alcoholics anonymous: 0820 32 68 83
- Drugs Info Service: 0 800 23 13 13-Website: https://www.drogues-info-service.fr/
- Mourning, accompaniment: http: //deuil.como.org/associations-vivre-son-deuil
- Psychiatric emergencies: 01 43 87 97 97
- SOS Psychiatry: 01 47 07 24 24
- SOS depression: 0892 70 12 38
- SOS Hope: (Medical listening for various personal problems): 01 43 70 69 26
- Young and violence Listening: 0800 20 22 23
- Association for aid to liberal doctors (burn out): 0 826 004 58
- SOS Bizutage: 0 800 55 55 00, [email protected].
- Hello Guns: 0.811.02.02.17
- Flight or loss bank card 0.892.705.705
- Sea rescue: 1616 by laptop or VHF 16 channel at sea.
- Maritime medical consultation center: telephone, naval radiotelephone, inmarsat m and mini m: 00 335 61 49 33 33 33
- Disappearance of a child (Europe): 116,000
- Allo babies (listening for parents, from pregnancy to 2 years of the child): 0 80000 3456
The 112 centralizes all emergency numbers for the CEE countries according to the country from which your call is made you will have all the emergency services of the country.
For Belgium ::
- Ambulance/ firefighters Tel: 100.
- Police-Secours Tel: 101.
- European emergency number Tel: 112.
- Red Cross Tel: 105.
- Listen to children Tel: 103.
- Child Focus Tel: 110.
- SOS INCESTE Tel: 02/646 60 73.
- SOS YOUNG Tel: 02/512.90.20.
- SOS RAPAGE Tel: 02/534.36.36.
- SOS Suicide Tel: 0800 32 123.
- Informed Tel: 02/227.52.52.
- Télé-accueil Tel: 107.
- Cancerphone Tel: 0800/15.801.
- Conjugal violence Tel: 0800/300.30 – 01 40 33 80 60.
- Handicap Tel: 0800/987.99.
- Antiposon Center Tel: 070/245.245.
Emergency numbers in Switzerland ::
- 117: Police.
- 118: Fire.
- 144: ambulances, first aid, vital emergencies, emergency doctors, reg.
- 143: The outstretched hand: telephone aid for people in psychological difficulties.
- 147: League of help and listening to children, young people and parents 24/7 throughout Switzerland, in the 3 languages, confidential and free.
- 145: anti-poison center.
- STOP Suicide 24 hours a day: 022.382 42 42
- Listening Suicide Geneva (adolescents): Helpadoline du Ceps (24 hours a day): 022 372 42 42
- Central doctor on duty, 24 hours a day: 0848 133 133
Information site for young French people aged 11 to 20: https://www.ciao.ch/
Anonymous and free service where young people can ask questions about various themes: health, relationships, sexuality, work, self -esteem, violence, etc. (See more details on the site): www.lapourtoi.ch
For Canada ::
The details of Doctor Pierrick Hordé:
“Health Medicine: Emergency numbers”
Country numbers (non -exhaustive list)
- South Africa: 999 (Urgent aid), 10111 (police).
- Algeria: 14 (civil protection), 17 (police).
- Djibouti: 17 (police) 18 (firefighters).
- Morocco: 15 (fire), 19 (urban police), 177 (royal gendarmerie, excluding agglomeration).
- Senegal: 17 (police), 18 (firefighters).
- Chad: 17 (police), 18 (firefighters).
- Tunisia: 190 (medical aid), 197 (police).
North and South America.
- Canada: 911
- USA: 911 (and 311 for non -urgent call).
- Bolivia: 118 (medical aid), 110 (police).
- Brazil: 190 (military police), 192 (medical aid), 110 (fire).
- Chile: 131 (SAMU), 132 (firefighters), 133 (police), 137 (sea rescue).
- Haiti: 114 (police), 115 (firefighters), 118 (Red Cross).
- Mexico: 060 or 080
- China: 119 (fire), 110 (police).
- India: 100 (police).
- Japan: 119
- Singapore: 995 (fire/rescue), 999 police.
- Thailand: 191 (police).
- Vietnam: 113 (police).
- Israel: 102 (fire), 110 (police), 101 (medical aid).
- Palestinian territories: 101 Jordan: “199” (fire), 191 (police), 193 (rescue Media), 198 (civil protection),
- Russia: 01 (fire and rescue), 02 (police), 03 (medical aid)
Young health thread: a free number
0 800 235 236: Anonymous and free call every day from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.
- Specialists are attentive to young people (12-25 years) to help them and give them information on sexuality, contraception, abortion, drugs, sexually transmitted infections, the evil of living …
- Advice on their rights in the health field are thus issued to them.
Adults should not use this green numberwhich is specifically reserved for young people between 12 and 25 years old. To report a child in danger, make up number 119 (anonymous and free). To talk about harassment, use the number 3020, also free.