I have repeatedly noticed a certain perplexity in people, even among believers, compared to the practice of fasting: many consider it anachronistic or difficult to practice, some practice it at most in exceptional situations, For example, when there is an explicit appeal of the Holy Father to pray for peace or other particular situations. Yet fasting is a very appreciated practice in the tradition of the Church and repeatedly recalled by Jesus himself in the Gospel.
Perhaps to understand its value we can start from that human activity of which fasting is an interruption: eating. Eating puts us in relation to the world. We need to eat, that is, we are not self -sufficient.
We must introduce part of the external reality into us. However, we know that some things we introduce in us can hurt us or even poison us. It is evident that this action also has a symbolic value, because we do not only feed on foods, but also of images, words, affections.
THEFasting allows us to stop and distance themselves. Fasting we can look better what we have in front of us and consciously choose what we want to feed on.
From a spiritual point of view, fasting is also a way of creating space, so that God can live in us without being confused between useless and harmful things.
The practice of fasting involves us with the body and with the will, allows us to free ourselves from the risk of a relationship only intellectual or mental with the Lord: we become aware of being in front of him as we are.
In the Gospel and then in the tradition of the fathers, fasting is related to secrecy and solidarity: it is a personal question that should not be bundled and it is good that it translates into an action in favor of others.
Abba hyperechio recalls that it is better to eat and drink meat rather than devouring one’s brothers with mistiality.
Fasting therefore It makes no sense if it is inconsistent with the rest of life. Through the exercise of fasting we are also helped to grow in the ability to manage ourselves and remove demons, not only those external to us and who threaten others, but also the demons that live there. In fact, Jesus recalls that some types of demons can only be driven out with prayer and fasting (Matthew 17,21).