The French accordance with security in their life insurance, largely favoring funds in euros to risky supports (UC). But don’t the latter offer more return?
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Chilly or adventurous? When you ask the French what is the most important element for their savings, 64% meet security, faced with availability and return, according to an Elabe study for France insurers published in March 2025 (“French and insurance”, 2025 edition). A priority which is reflected in the current outstanding life insurance – that is to say the total of the sums paid on these products, and the interests generated – since out of 2,020 billion euros accumulated at the end of January 2025, the share invested in euros – the investment media with guaranteed capital – is still largely in the majority (70% of the outstanding). Even if it is progressing from year to year, the share of units of account (UC) – either the supports that run a risk of capital loss to savers – is limited to 30%.
Do savers give up performance by choosing security?
But this choice, judicious to preserve your savings, also paying in terms of performance? Not in 2024 in any case, since according to data published this Wednesday, April 26 by France Insurers, the return of euros funds was established in 2.6% on average over the past yearwhile the UCs, which cover a wide variety of investments (stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.), reported on average 4.1%. A difference, however, lower than in 2023, since the euros funds then displayed an average yield which was also 2.6%, but which climbed to 6.2% for the UC. A dropout which is explained in particular by that of the CAC 40, which sold 2.15% in 2024, and tainted the performance of the UC invested in the Parisian index.
What is true over the past two years is also in the longer term, although slightly more tenuous, also reveals France Insurers. Indeed, if we look at the last 13 years – the average lifespan of a life insurance contract, which is 12.7 years -, the UCs also do better than euros funds: 3.3% average annual return for the former, compared to 2.1% for the latter. But the performance gap tends to tighten, since it is only 1.2 points over the long time, against 1.5 points, for example, in 2024.
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