Many measures have been announced by the government to reduce expenses and unfortunately for families, this tax advantage could disappear soon.
When you have children, expenses increase considerably, whether they are just born or old enough to go to school… The expenses are significant each year as they grow up. So, when you can, when paying your taxes, obtain reductions, this is not something you should refuse. But a system which benefited 4.5 million households could well disappear.
In any case, this is one of the proposals from the Council for Compulsory Deductions (CPO) appearing in a report published on October 14. The body linked to the Court of Auditors wishes to reduce the tax credit for employing an employee at home, to reform the 10% reduction in retirement pensions, but it also attacks parents by wanting to eliminate the tax reduction for tuition fees. According to the CPO, this tax advantage would be “redundant” with other measures such as the back-to-school allowance for example or even student grants. The organization would also judge it to be “poorly targeted” (benefiting the wealthiest households) and costly (433 million euros for the State).
As a reminder, according to the General Tax Code, this tax system allows parents living in France to benefit from a “reduction in their income tax when the children in their care pursue secondary or higher education during “current school year on December 31 of the tax year”.
The amount of this reduction amounts to 61 euros per child when they attend secondary school, 153 euros per child if they attend a general and technological high school or a vocational high school, and 183 euros if The student follows training in higher education. For families with several children in school, this decision could have repercussions on their taxes next year.