Very useful at the four corners of the house, the citrus skin is an ally owl to flavor and clean, but not only! Discover without delay how to re-use orange and clementines peelings with our zero waste and anti-gasci tips.
Why keep the orange and clementine peels? To flavor your interior of course, deodorize, but also clean or, more surprising, to keep the matous away. And here is everything you can do with clementine and orange peelings, if not throwing them away!
Make a potpourri with the skin of clementines
Let them dry first days in the open air. Then, in a container of the size that you will like, make the Orange and dried clementines peelingsof the spices (cinnamon sticks, cloves, star anise, vanilla pods …), rose petalsLemon bark … Everything that comes to hand in short. It is also possible to add a few drops of essential oils of your choice and here is your home of naturally scented without spending a thousand and hundred!
Make deodorizing sachets for laundry
Once dehydrated in the open air or in the oven, Slide orange and clementine peels in a pair of tights that no longer serves you or a fabric pouch. The good smell of citrus fruits that will emerge will hire your wardrobe, your cupboards and drawers. As a bonus, it would help keep the moths at a distance, we take!
Put the clementine skins on the radiator
In order to neutralize bad odors. And yes, the skin of oranges and clementines contains essential oils which, once arranged on a radiator diffusing heat, will be released throughout the room. Enough to enjoy a natural deodorant that will not cost you an almost penny!
In the chimney
Put in fire, in the wood stove or the fireplace, The latter will embalm the space of their sweet fume when they consume themselves.
To deodorize the oven
Some foods sometimes leave a strong smell in your interior. If, after preparation, your oven smells of gravel or fish, do not hesitate to use citrus skins for effectively neutralize these nasty cooking odors. To do this, nothing could be simpler, place the citrus skins on a baking sheet in the oven, close it and let everything cool. Delicious odors to the key!
Orange skin and white vinegar, to make a real cleaner
In addition to their great deodorant power, citrus peels can also be transformed into Natural cleaner, with disinfectant and anti -lime properties. Here’s how to do it! The recipe for the cleaner: Infuse oranges and clementines skins in white vinegar, whose smell does not appeal to everyone, for a few days. Filter before pouring the mixture obtained in a vaporizer.
Citrus peels to keep cats away
Did you know? Foulins hate the smell of citrus fruits. Exit the chemical repellents therefore, you just have to Place peelings in places where you don’t want to see them do their claws or pee And they should stay away.
Can we put the skin from citrus to compost?
Contrary to popular belief, Citrus bark can be composted … on one condition: go soft! An excess of citrus fruits would risk bringing too much acidity in the composting tank and the balance would be disturbed.