There is nothing more unpleasant than going to bed in cold sheets! However, it is not inevitable and there are simple and effective solutions to overcome this problem. So how do you warm up your sheets before getting into bed? Our answers to your questions.
When the external temperatures are fresh, it is normal to feel a feeling of cold in your bed, but it is not pleasant! So, apart from increasing the temperature of your accommodation with a high invoice, know that many alternatives are at your disposal to optimize your comfort. And there is even a tip that only takes a few minutes and will change everything!
To get hot in bed and keep her sheets at good temperature, choose a special winter duvet is a good solution. Indeed, this type of duvet has a good heat index thanks to a higher garnishment than traditional duvets which allows good heat conservation. In addition to a hot duvet, you can still have a bed cover which, in addition to bringing a cozy note in your room, offers heat and comfort, especially if it is made of wool. If despite all these tips you cannot be hot in your bed, there is a malignant tip that will allow you to gain comfort when you slip into your bed. To avoid thermal shock, simply pass a stroke of hair dryer at an average temperature under the duvet for about 30 seconds. The heat diffusion will be instantaneous and the sheets will then be at the right temperature. Be careful to maintain the device a certain distance from the fabric to avoid any risk of burning.
Another more radical solution: invest in heating coverage. This type of coverage plugs into the mains and sets in the bed a few minutes before bedtime for very hot sheets, and can also be kept all night for the most cautious! But beware, because this equipment has a cost and consumes energy, however, this cost is lower than increasing its thermostat by one or two degrees.
Finally, you should know that the feeling of cold is more attenuated in a raised bed, then in the absence of a mezzanine bed, and if you have planned new arrangements in your bedroom, do not hesitate to opt for a box spring high.