“On the way with Carlo Casini witness of hope”. It is the title of the day of spirituality that will take place Saturday 22 March at the UCatholic Nativeness of the Sacred Heart in Rome Promoted by the Network and Associazione Amici di Carlo Casini – Movement for Italian life, in collaboration with the University Pastoral Center and on the eve of the 5 years since the death of Casini, of which many would like to see the cause of beatification started, for its commitment for the nascent life and the foundation of life help centers.
The event, which will take place at the “Sala Italia”, will open at 9 with the introduction of Francesco Ognibene and Giovanna Abbagnara. Then there will be the projection of a video with Carlo Casini, Mother Teresa and Chiara Lubich.
Father Maurizio Faggioni will deal with the “spiritual profile”; Don Nunzio Currao, Giada Sciascia Cannizzaro, Don Stefano Stimamigliodirector of Christian familyof “hope in the disease”; Davide Robinesi, Camilla Galuppi, Arturo Buongiovanni of as “young with young people” was. The morning will conclude the Holy Mass presided by the Cardinal Giovanni Battista Redean of the Cardinal College.
In the afternoon, from 2.15 pm, Cardinal Re, aNna and Alberto Friso, Giovanni Paolo Ramonda they will address the theme “Friends for life”; Carlo Mocellin, Fabiana Coriana and Matteo Manicardi, Pino Noia, Veronica Fomino and Alessandro Nuti will talk about how “every son is precious with testimonies” of mothers and dads on the challenge of the reception against the current; Rafael Santamaria D’Angelo and Ana Maria Olguin, Father Fabò Martin and Josè Alberto Castilla Barajas will present the international chair Carlo Casini. The interventions of Paola Binetti, Luisa Santolini, Paola Mancini.