Sophie Davant spends most of her time in Paris and Normandy. But it is another place in France than the candidate of “Dance with the stars” considers “one of the most beautiful in the world” …
Sophie Davant may reside in Paris and recharge your batteries on a daily basis in her property in Villerville, in Normandy, she does not forget where she comes from. The 61 -year -old host was born in Cestas, near Bordeaux, and she has fabulous memories of the Gironde, this region so dear to her heart …
Sophie Davant: this place where she “spent her childhood”
Daughter of Pierre Davant, an ornithologist and researcher at the Institute of Marine Biology of Arcachon, Sophie Davant grew up in contact with nature and learned to appreciate it. “”Faced with the Pilat dune, my father created several natural reserves for migratory birds: Arguin, Le Teich and Cousseau. I spent my childhood there“The host had explained in an interview with Femina version.
Thanks to her father’s profession, Sophie Davant experienced sacred adventures as a child. She had even met a former President of the Republic! “”I hung the tourists’ dogs from frightening the birds in my father’s reserve. I welcomed Valéry Giscard d’Estaing during an exhibition. He was in a swimsuit and I didn’t recognize him right away“She recalls.
To those who ask her what places she advises to visit in the region, the former presenter of Affair answers “Ile aux Oiseaux, the Moulleau district of Arcachon, the port of La Vigne near Cap Ferret“or again”The Circuit of Châteaux to Saint Emilion“For wine lovers, like her.
Sophie Davant and her favorite corner of France: “One of the most beautiful places in the world”
But it is a particular place that the candidate of the new season of Dance with stars cherished particularly since his youth. “”I like to walk on the Pilat dune: we have a magnificent view of the ocean. It is one of the most beautiful places in the world! In October, the light is magical“She said about the highest dune in Europe.
Today, although she does not reside in Bordeaux, William Leymergie’s partner goes as soon as she can, “Several times a year“, in this”Magnificent and harmonious city“.