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This article is part of a Women and Leadership Special Report Highlighting Women who Are Charting New Pathways and Fighting for Opportunities for Women and Others.When Gil Won-Ok, A Korean Woman, Died Recently at the Age of 96, The International Community Lost An Outspoken Warrior in the effort to make…

One does not imagine that this current practice is however prohibited and liable to a prison sentence of one year. The law is formal! At home, you often have the impression of being free to do what you want. After all, it is a private space, out of sight. Starting…

1. Taxation models: The Most Important Factor in Choosing to Entity Structure Is Understanding How The Entity is Taxed. Entities Can Be Broadly Divided Into Two Groups: Those that Are Taxed Independently From Their Owners and Those that Are Subject to “Pass-Though” Taxation. Pass-through entitsies (Search as Partnerships, LLCs, and…