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In America they call them “working poor” and they are the “poor despite their work”, or rather those who work but without the minimum conditions for a decent living: wages that are too low, judged to be below the poverty threshold, in reference to the Istat indices, by the Milan…

Eid el-Kebir is celebrated every year during the month of Dhul-Hijja. This holiday is marked by traditions rich in meaning for all Muslims. Summary L’Eid el-KebirOr Eid al-Adhais one of the most important celebrations in the Muslim calendar. Known as the “festival of sacrifice” or the “festival of the sheep”,…

Sometime in the 1950s, Zilia Sánchez, a Cuban-born painter, was crying on a Havana rooftop, mourning the recent death of her father, when she caught a sight that would shape her career of more than seven decades: her father’s bedsheet, drying on a line, draped by the breeze over a…