Easter often rhymes with chocolates and egg hunts, but this party also hides a story. Between popular traditions and religious celebration, discover the true origins of the Pascale feast.
For many, Easter weekend is above all synonymous with celebration and sharing, bringing together children and adults around happy moments. However, for Christians, this day has a particular symbolism, since it commemorates a key event in the life of Jesus Christ. Zoom on traditions and symbols linked to the Pascale festival.
What is the date of Easter in 2025?
In 2025, Easter will be celebrated on Sunday, April 20. Like every year, the Pascale party takes place on a Sunday, following the first full moon after the spring equinox. If the day of the week remains fixed, the date varies according to the lunar cycles and not according to our usual solar calendar.
THE Easter Mondayas for him, falls the next day, the April 21, 2025. This day is a holiday in France, offering a long weekend to enjoy the festivities.
What is the origin of Easter for Christians?
For Christians, Easter is a major feast, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, the foundation of their faith. Originally, she marked the end of Holy Week, which traces the last days of Christ, from her last meal (the Last Supper) to her crucifixion and her burial. This celebration symbolizes both the sacrifice of Jesus, a spiritual renewal and the affirmation of the Christian faith.
What is the meaning of the Easter word?
The term “Easter” has its origin in the Hebrew word “Pessa’h”, which means “passage” and designates the Jewish festival of Passover (also called Pessa’h). Later, Christians resumed this term by adding an “S”, giving birth to the word “Easter” as we know it today.
What are Easter traditions?
Around the world, Pascale traditions There are many. In France, we find some like:
► Easter rabbits. In eastern France and Germany, it is this long ears animal that distributes chocolate eggs to children. This tradition was born in southern Germany. In the past, the inhabitants of these regions could not eat meat during Lent. The rabbits therefore multiplied in the fields during this period and marked the beginning of renewal. It was in the 17th century that they were associated with Easter eggs.
► Decorated Easter eggs. This custom which dates back to the Middle Ages comes from the fact that, during Lent, the consumption of eggs was prohibited, fasting and abstinence oblige. In order not to lose them, we only consumed them during mid-car, preparing pancakes and donuts, then decorated those laid the following days to offer them at Easter.
► Chocolate eggs. In the 18th century, we started to empty the eggs to fill them with chocolate and offer them. Chocolate egg molds only appeared in the 19th century with the evolution of manufacturing techniques.
► Easter bells. Popular tradition wants it to be the bells, parts of Rome on Holy Thursday, which bring eggs in Easter morning and ring the resurrection of Jesus. In eastern France, stork or rabbit sometimes replaces the bells to bring Easter eggs.
► Easter egg hunt. Traditionally, eggs and other Easter chocolates are hidden in gardens, houses or apartments so that children collect them. Egg hunting often takes place on Sunday morning at Easter.
What Easter activities do with children?
Easter is also children’s day! THE Manual activities and tinkering are a safe bet to occupy them while having fun. Coloring of rabbits, making chicks or eggs at home, decoration of cakes or even sending personalized cards … without forgetting the essential chocolate egg huntwhich can be organized both outdoors, in a garden, a park or a field and at home. Here are all our Easter activities:
What to eat for the Easter meal?
The flagship ingredient of the main meal at Easter remains the lamb. From the leg to the shoulder, passing by the ribs, the lamb is cooked and savored in all its forms. Find out how to accommodate this meat and with what dishes to accompany it. Our Gourmet recipe ideas ::
Our Easter decorative ideas for table and house
There Easter decoration is just as important. To do this, bet on the DIY to create Easter bells thanks to cardboard boxes or pretty Standard brands for the tableor Rabbit -shaped towel folds.
You can give free rein to your imagination and decorate your interior and table with a whole bunch of decorative objects to make yourself.