The discreet actor Lucien Jean-Baptiste plays the main role of the new TF1 series, “Joseph”. Here are all its secrets.
If the general public especially discovered it in the cinema in comedy The first star, the actor Lucien Jean-Baptiste is now a hit on the small screen in the series Joseph. Here’s what you need to know about him.
Where does Lucien Jean-Baptiste come from?
The actor Lucien Jean-Baptiste was born on May 6, 1964 in Fort-de-France, he is from Martinique. However, it was in Bonneuil (Val-de-Marne) that he grew up. Of his life in a suburban city at the gates of Paris, the actor said this to NEW OBS : “When we arrived in Bonneuil-sur-Marne, in a brand new HLM, with a bathtub, it was beautiful. At the start, we were kids, who came from all our miseries, who played together: the United Nations of the Wave terrain! There were communists who did great things … And then, it became a manner.“”
In addition, with the Bondy Blog In 2018, he added: “When you grow up in the suburbs in the 70s and 80s, you have too much tend to make footballers and rappers your heroes. I would like young people today to say: ‘No, it’s not just football or rap.’“”
What personal drama has struck Lucien Jean-Baptiste?
Lucien Jean-Baptiste lost a child when he was 30 years old. He spoke of this drama on the set of What an era! in 2024: “I had lost a kid at birth at the age of thirty. And at 30, a drama like that … You say to yourself: ‘What are we doing now?’ And I decided to go to a passion.
It was this drama that pushed him to bounce back into life and turn to one of his dreams: cinema. “”Until I was 30 years old, I have always thought that becoming an actor was not for me. I experienced a personal drama which allowed me to realize that I had to live my dreams, so I went to register in Cours Florent, life followed its course and I managed to play in films“He said to Bondy Blog.
What do we know about Lucien Jean-Baptiste’s private life?
Lucien Jean-Baptiste is married to Aurélie Nollet, actress notably seen in the series Navarro And Julie Lescaut. She is also a producer of the series Josephon TF1. Together, they had two children; The actor is also the dad of a big boy named Bilal, born from a previous story. “”The ideal is not to stay as a couple when you tear yourself out 24 hours a day. I am in this situation: my son shares his time enters my home and his mom“, he had told the Women’s Journal in 2016.
Of his current couple, the actor said a little more to Purepeople :: “It is true that I leave a lot to my current wife. I understood that, sometimes, it is better to say ‘as you want to dear’ rather than ‘no, I do not agree’. I do not take my wife for a noodle, but sometimes, on certain things, my wife has much more common sense and logic than me. Me, in the cinema, I know about it, but at home …”
What is the first job of Lucien Jean-Baptiste?
Lucien Jean-Baptiste has not always been an actor. Indeed, he first worked in the world of events and held a managerial position. He has good memories. “”It helped me lead a team. It didn’t scare me“He said to Bondy Blog.
Directing people, it probably helped him later in his career as a director he made the films The first star,, He already has your eyes or What are we doing now?
Where does Lucien Jean-Baptiste live?
Since 2022, according to information from Ouest-FranceLucien Jean-Baptiste lives with his family in Vendée. And, according to Actu.frhe lives precisely in Talmont-Saint-Hilaire, a small town of only 8000 inhabitants. “”We are always told that after Paris, there is nothing, they are bullshit!“, He also proclaimed to the site, to explain its move away from the capital.