Former civil servants receive an average of 1,919 euros gross per month retired. But average obliges, this figure hides sacred disparities, with differences from several hundred euros.
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4.1 million. This is the number of pensions paid in December 2023 to former public officials, according to the Last report from Caisse des Dépôts published on November 27, 2024. Among them, 3.5 million fall under direct law pensions, that is to say in return for contributions paid during the professional life of workers. The remaining 600,000 are derived law pensions, such as the survivor’s pensions attributed to retirees who have lost their spouse. But what is the average amount of these pensions? 1 919 euros gross monthly, according to the report. A figure up 0.7% compared to 2022, which includes both retirement and disability pensions. However, behind this average are hidden significant differencesespecially between the different slopes of the public service.
To better understand, let us remember that the public service is divided into three large branches. First of all, the state civil service – grouping together civil and military officials – which represents almost 60% of the pensions paid in December 2023. local authorities agents (22%) and finally the hospital officials (18 %). These figures reflect the diversity of public service professions. A diversity which logically leads to marked differences in the retirement pensions of agents.
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Because according to the branch in which they worked, all the agents of the public service are not housed in the same brand. THE State retireesfor example, are particularly better off than other civil servants: they perceive on average a pension of 2,302 euros Gross per month, against 1,578 euros for ex-hospital agents and only 1,377 euros for former territorial officials. How to explain such disparities? Mainly by the nature of the positions held: more than half of the state officials were executives (category A) at the time of their departure, against only 25% of the hospitals and barely 13% of the territorials, where the positions of execution ( Category C) dominate largely.
The same logic also makes it possible to understand the major pension differences that persist between men and women in the public service. THE womenmore often confined to part-time or less responsibility jobs, and under-represented in framework positions, mainly affect modest pension pensions. As proof: on average, a man retired from the public service receives 2,041 euros per month. Or near 25% more than a womanwhose pension amounts to 1,635 euros. Despite the catch -up devices as the guaranteed minimum, these differences remain structural and reflect career choices, often dictated by family constraints.
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