The new usury rates, that is to say the maximum rates at which banks are authorized to lend as part of a real estate loan, were published in the Official Journal this Monday, December 30.
© Getty / Witthaya Prasongsin
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They falter once again. THE new wear ratesthat is to say the interest rates that banks must not exceed in the context of a mortgage loan, were revealed this Monday, December 30 in the Official Journal. From January 1, 2025, the ceiling rates will reach 5.8% for loans with a duration of between 10 and 20 years, a drop of 0.23 points compared to the fourth quarter of 2024. In detail, the new usury rates reach 4.61% (-0.02 points) for real estate loans lasting less than 10 years, 5.8% for those whose duration is between 10 and 20 years, 5.67% (-0.18 point) for loans over 20 years and 6.64% (-0.04 point) for bridging loans. For comparison, in January 2024, when mortgage rates were at their highest, the usury rate reached 6.29% for a loan spread over 10 or 20 years
As a reminder, the usury rate is updated every quarter by the Banque de France. This ceiling rate aims to prevent banks from imposing interest rates real estate loan abusive to borrowers. To set the usury rate, the Banque de France bases itself on the average rates charged by credit institutions over the last three months, increased by a third.
Credit rates have been falling for a year
This drop in usury rates in the first quarter of 2025 is therefore the consequence of the drop in mortgage rates, which have benefited borrowers since the start of 2024. After reaching a peak at 4.30% in December 2023 for loans spread over 20 years, borrowing rates reach on average 3.35% for loans of an identical duration in December 2024, according to the broker Cafpi. This spectacular fall in mortgage rates is mainly explained by the decision of the European Central Bank (ECB) to lower its key rates four times since the start of the year.
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With mortgage rates continuing to decline over the past year and banks multiplying commercial offers in order to attract new customers, the situation of borrowers has improved considerably in recent months. As proof, the borrowing capacity of households has increased significantly since the start of the year. For example, according to our simulations, a couple who earns 4,200 euros per month has the possibility of borrowing 241,113 euros in December 2024, or 18,249 euros more than a year ago.
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