While spring, “the” real estate shopping season is looming, do you know precisely the price of your dream of an individual house? Its composition and evolution are surprising.
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The real estate construction professionals hammer him from survey in survey: even at the time of the fight against thesoil artificialization,, 80% of French people questioned dream of living in a Houserather than in an apartment. And, as long as you do, in a new house, which will not require heavy work for several years and will be economical in terms of energy consumption. A dream likely to finally become reality after two and a half years of real estate crisis, thanks to the drop in credit ratearound 3.20% in this month of March for 20 years, the most common duration.
But what is the price of this dream? According to the Hexaom group, which has around forty manufacturers, it cost on average 318,000 euros To become the owner of a new house in 2024. A price that more than a third has nothing to do with the house proper. The average cost of the terrain amounts to 118,000 euros, an amount that has soared 15.6% compared to 2023. The consequence of the growing rarity of land, in the context of fighting the artificialization of land and the approach of the municipal elections of 2026, which push certain mayors to lift the foot on the delivery of building permitthe adage wanting that a builder mayor is a beaten mayor.
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An average budget that masks important disparities
At 200,000 eurosthe average price of the building increased by 7.5% last year, due to building materials that remain expensive and construction standards, especially environmental, ever more demanding. “This average budget of 200,000 euros, however, masks major differences since we offer both Houses of 50 square meters from 100,000 euroswhich can then be enlarged by arranging the attic or by transforming the garage, only tailor-made houses at more than 400,000 euros ”, nuance Loïc Vandromme, managing director of Hexaom.
While the price of the building and the land has significantly increased, the living area remained stable in 2024, at 106 square meters. In detail, houses of less than 90 square meters represented 35.5 % of purchases at Hexaom in 2024, a figure up 13.5 points compared to 2023. Houses of more than 110 square meters weighed 32.4 % of acquisitions, a growing proportion of 3.1 points. In contrast, the share of houses from 90 to 110 square meters, although still in the majority, at 32.1 %, dropped by 16.6 points.
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New houses again eligible for zero -rate loan
“”This evolution is explained by the abolition of zero -rate loan For new individual houses in April 2024 which, by reducing the household budget, led them to favor smaller houses. Credit rates, still high in 2024, also weighed on the budget of modest households, which do not always have the necessary contribution to compensate for the drop in their borrowing capacity ”, Analysis Steve Beaudel, Commercial and Marketing Director of Hexaom.
Another consequence of the abolition of the PTZ for new houses since April 2024, the first-time buyers only represented 54.7% of buyers at Hexaom last year, a diving of seven points compared to 2023. This interest -free loan, helped by the State, is indeed reserved for households which buy their main residence for the first time. Despite its stop for houses from April 2024, 22.5 % of Hexaom customers had time to benefit from it last year, for an average amount of 62,900 euros, against 33 % in 2023. Good news, new houses will become eligible for PTZ from April 1.
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