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The plan to combat the DPE of convenience, announced by the Minister of Housing, represents a change of era for the real estate diagnosis, according to Henry Buzy-Cazaux, founding president of the Institute of Management of Real Estate Services. In a generation, the DPE will be from the degrading status of evil necessary for that of auxiliary of public policies.
© Ingo Bartessek/Adobe Stock
– According to a study by the economic analysis council, less than 2% of DPEs in 2024 were deemed complacent.
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In 2025, 4 million Energy performance diagnostics (DPE) will be made. This measurement tool, created in 2006, has become in less than twenty years familiar… and feared. Between a resilience climate law which has associated with a poor classification of rental housing a ban on pure and simple rent, and attested effects of the energy label on the value of goods and the possibility of attaching a credit to it, the DPE, only informative in its beginnings, has acquired a primary authority. In addition, it is the base of the policy of environmental transfer of real estate heritage: the observation of the performance or the underformance of a housing or a premises will take away expensive consequences in terms of corrective work. More ownership without a necessary awareness of the ecological quality of real estate. Only here: the DPE lacks reliability.
Admittedly, the official figures, which undoubtedly do not account for all the reality, lead to putting the complaints into perspective: according to a study of the economic analysis council, less than 2% of DPEs in 2024 were deemed complacent and insinc. The truth is probably darker, in difficult proportions to specify by definition of what is gains to be anyway, in scientific matters -or, it is indeed a scientific tool -suspicion affects the whole system and ends up making the least skeptical doubt. These 2% or these 3 or 5%, whatever, are still too much. Valérie Létard, Minister of Housing, during her presentation to the press of the “restoration of confidence” plan and again when she expressed herself in the program Additional investigation into France 2 the next evening, had the tone just: she did not crucified the profession as a whole and recalled that the overwhelming majority of situations went well.
DPE: “It’s time of truth for diagnosticians, everyone must agree”
Towards the creation of an order of diagnosticians
However, it cannot give its absolution and the profession must open the eyes and react: separating the good grain from the tares is no longer enough and it is necessary to delete the tares. Professional diagnostic organizations, the number of which does not constitute an asset when it is necessary to concentrate efforts, training, certification and control organizations, order donor unions, real estate agents and goods administrators are invited to reflect and help the State to administer the most effective remedies. The government has already selected several and suggests others. To the rank of those who are imagined, the creation of a professional order, with power of control and sanction.
To date, the only professions thus organized are emerging in the essential areas of health, law or figure, and to a lesser extent of technique, such as explores. The diagnostician borrows from all these fields, including the health compartment when it detects the origin of a patent danger, in the presence of asbestos or lead, or even non -compliance of electrical installations. A mission of reflection will be entrusted in the coming days to a parliamentarian On this subject, and already, the deputy of the Landes Lionel Causse is preparing a bill establishing an order: his intention had anticipated the will of the Minister.
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A QR code for each DPE
Another mission is to identify which post -bac superior training would be timely To train diagnosticians in the future: this profession, with its various specialties, is today accessible by conversion. This path, with continuous training shortly for a few months, is not enough to identify a professional sector and diplomas recognized by the State deserve the light of day, with cycles preparing. The Minister even expanded the mission to recommendations so that continuing education rises in quality and uniformity … To date, the best rubs shoulders with the worst, which no longer has its place in this professional universe with strong issues.
Finally, pragmatic measures will be taken, the use of artificial intelligence to detect suspicious behavior And the frelated DPEs, the annual control of each of the 10,000 active professionals, the immediate suspension and for 18 months of a fraudster and two years for a repeat offender, the control every ten months of certification organizations, the geolocation of diagnosticers to verify the effectiveness of work on site, the prohibition to give the result of the DPE just after its development to avoid pressure by the owner or its agent, and finally association with each diagnostician and each DPE of a QR code to check the authorization of the first and the authenticity of the second With its registration on the ADEME website.
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Auxiliary of public policies
It is A change of era for real estate diagnosis and for those who are responsible for it. They are asked at the bottom to understand how important they are for the country and for the ambitious national and European strategy policy for environmental transition. A vertiginous conversion for actors who believed for many of them only fulfilled technical gestures. Above all, an exciting mutation: in a generation, they will have gone from the degrading status of necessary evil, or increased load of the cost of the property, to the status ofAuxiliary of public policies. Which obliges.
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