Spring is the season of asparagus, a vegetable very rich in fibers, water and vitamins.
White or green, asparagus are available on market stalls between February and June. What are their health benefits? How to choose and consume them? In juice? Cooked in salads? In detox juice? Answers with Dr. Alexandra Dalu, nutritionist doctor.
What are the benefits of asparagus for health?
“”Asparagus is very rich in fiber and like all vegetables rich in fiber, they are beneficial for transit through in particular the slowdown in the absorption of fat and sugarimmediately indicates Dr. Alexandra Dalu, a nutritionist doctor. The fibers are also excellent to cause satiety during meals and make it last in time “. The asparagus is very good for the detoxification of the body since the fibers embark the intestinal toxins in the stool, also cleaning the colon. “”In addition, fibers provide prebiotic raw material to probiotics (microbiota). Finally, asparagus often cook with olive oil and lemon, engaging a healthy plate for the meal. Asparagus is loaded with antioxidants, vitamins (C, B9, E), phenols …“Specifies the nutritionist doctor. White or green, asparagus has the same health benefits. In summary:
► Asparagus facilitate transit
► They slow down the absorption of fats and sugars
► They are satisfying
► They participate in the detoxification of the organization and clean the colon
► They are antioxidants and rich in vitamins.
Do the asparagus lose weight?
Asparagus is very rich in fiber. “”The fibers are excellent to cause satiety during the meal and make it last over time. On the other hand, the asparagus is very loaded with water, they are hypo-caloric so consuming asparagus can be interesting if you need to lose 1 or 2 kilos“Recommends Dr. Dalu.
Are the asparagus good for the kidneys?
Like all vegetables, asparagus has a diuretic role via the active ingredient it contains and a laxative role via fibers. “”It is neither good nor bad for the kidneys but it is an interesting food if you feel a little bloated or if you have a difficult venous circulation with the feeling of heavy legs, hemorrhoids … ” slice our interlocutor. “”If you want a beneficial effect for the kidneys, you should not add salt. However, overconsumption should be avoided because the asparagus contains purines and can cause a lithiasis (calculations in the kidneys) in too much“warns Dr. Dalu.
What are the benefits of skin asparagus?
Asparagus contains vitamins E and C. “They are super vitamins for the skin. But asparagus have no direct benefits on the skin. The benefits are indirect via the fibers and what they cause at the body detox. In addition, the large amount of water contained in the asparagus contributes to the hydration of the skin“Details our expert.
Canned or fresh, what are the best for health?
“You should know that the can, via the appetizer process, preserves practically all the nutrients of the asparagus. It is shown that the preserver does not lose more the benefits of the food than its cookingunderlines the nutritionist doctor. I propose to rinse the asparagus contained in the jars to remove the salt water which keep them before consumption“. The fresh asparagus are rich in fiber so beneficial for transit, they are very good for detoxifying the body and cleaning the intestine and they are loaded with vitamins, antioxidants and phenols.”During cooking, we always lose a little nutrients. You have to wash them to remove pesticides“She recommends.
What are the benefits of the cooking water for asparagus?
The cooking water of the asparagus retains the active ingredients of the asparagus (but no longer contains the fibers). “”It can be used as a detoxifying drink for a fast for example. It will be beneficial to drink for a very light dinner or a detox drink mixed with a little lemon in the morning “ specifies the nutritionist doctor.
What are the benefits of asparagus juice?
Asparagus juice is recovered thanks to an extractor or a centrifuge. “”Asparagus juice contains very few fibers but there are vitamins and antioxidants. For people who digest the fibers badly, asparagus juice can be a good alternative “ advocates Dr. Dalu.
What precautions to take if you eat asparagus?
Avoid overconsumption because the asparagus contains purines and can cause calculations in the kidneyswarns Dr. Dalu. Asparagus contain an active ingredient which is an acid. Some people digest and eliminate it at a significant rate, others eliminate it less well and this acid gives an odor to the urine. It is the genetic characteristic that gives the individual a more or less strong elimination of this acid “. But this odor is not an abnormality for health.
Thank you to Dr Alexandra Dalu, nutritionist, anti-aging and mesotherapy, author of the book “The 100 received ideas that prevent you from going well”