The three women, Romi Gonen, Emili Damari and Doron Steinbrecher, released this afternoon by Hamas, have been handed over to the Red Cross. Meanwhile, an Israeli van (in the photo) is proceeding to move 90 Palestinian women from prison who will be freed as part of the truce agreement.
Romi Gonen, 24 years old, former scout, kidnapped by the terrorist group on 7 October 2023, had participated in the Nova rave. She had been injured while trying to escape in a car with some friends. «They hit me mom, I’m losing blood. Everyone in the car is bleeding,” she told her mother on the phone in the last dramatic call before being forcibly taken away by terrorists. A hostage released last November told her family that Romi was alive, but not in good health.
Emili Damari, 28, a dual British citizen, was abducted from her flat in Kfar Aza. The militiamen had shot her in the hand and killed her dog. A shrapnel had wounded her in the leg.
Doron Steinbrecher, 31 years old, veterinary nurse, is Romanian. She was also kidnapped in Kfar Aza on 7 October. «They have arrived. They’re taking me,” he said in a voice message sent to his friends on the morning of October 7.
The Government of Israel does not comment on the news, explaining that, as happened with the last release last November, the news with the identity of the freed hostages will be confirmed only after they have reached Israeli territory. Officials, however, say that the release has begun as agreed.
Meanwhile, in protest against the truce, the far-right exponents of the Netanayhu Government, the Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir, Yitzhak Wasserlauf and Amichai Eliyahu have resigned.