Year after year, women continue to be paid less than men. This Tuesday, INSEE reveals the remuneration of French employees and puts them in perspective with those of their male counterparts.
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The remuneration gap Between men and women in France remains a very sad reality. As proof, in 2023, the average salary income of women working in the private sector was still lower from 22.2% to that of their male colleagues, according to the last investigation of INSEE published this Tuesday, March 4. Concretely, while men receive an average of 27,430 euros per year, women, they must be satisfied with 21,340 euros. A first explanation? “They more frequently occupy a part -time jobsituations that can be a choice as well as being suffered ”underlines the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies. In fact, since they work less, they are logically less paid.
But reducing this difference to a simple question of work volume would be a mistake. The proof: “By neutralizing these differences in work volume, the wages of wages in full -time equivalent (EQTP) between women and men reached 14.2%.” A ditch largely linked to the distribution of trades Between genres: women are still overrepresented in less remunerative sectors, such as health, education or public administration. Conversely, they are still very minority in the sectors which offer the best wages, such as engineering, finance or the field of tech.
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So, to measure these salary inequalities, you might as well compare what is comparable. But once again, the figures have hard skin. Even by opposing men and women occupying The same job in the same company,, “The full -time net salary difference is reduced to 3.8%»». This difference therefore escapes only objective criteria. It may well be linked to Discriminatory factors or differences in behavior in salary negotiations. Because in this field, women dare even less often claim what they deserve.
A 25% lower salary for senior employees
Especially since the remuneration gap is only widen. The more aging a woman, the more his salary wins in relation to that of her male counterparts. At the start of his career, the difference is still contained, around 4.3% in full -time equivalent (EQTP) for those under 25. At this age, women receive an average of 1,769 euros net per month, against 1,849 euros for men of the same age.
But at the entrance in the fortieseverything accelerates: wage inequalities climb, exceeding the 13% mark around 40 years, and then exploded and maintain at high levels until the end of career. So much so that among employees aged 60 and over, Men earn almost a quarter more (+24.9%) than women. Concretely, a senior employee receives 2,829 euros net per month, where a man of the same age earns 3,766 euros net. Either 11,244 euros more Each year. Small consolation batch for women: “The inequalities in wage income have been reduced a third party since 1995. “ But at this rate, it will still be necessary wait until 2079 To see women win as much as men. Come on, more than 54 years old!
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