With the generalization of employee savings systems, more and more French people benefit from a PEE or a percol. But to get the most out of it, you still have to choose your investment media.
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– PEE, Percol: the funds on which it was necessary to bet in 2024
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They are not always well understood or integrated, but the savings systems reserved for employees are gaining ground. Since January 1, 2025, companies counting between 11 to 49 employees have had the obligation to set up a “value sharing” system, it may be a bonus (profit -sharing, participation) or a payment on employee savings plans or company retirement savings plans. In 2024, 12.8 million employees had one of these products, either a corporate savings plan (PEE), or a compulsory or collective retirement savings plan (Pero or Percol), for an outstanding that approaches them 200 billion euros.
However, taking charge of these savings products by employees remains low. According to a recent survey by Natixis Interrepargne, only 23% of employees carry out arbitrations (that is to say transfer part or all of their capital from an investment medium to another), and only 12% believe it has a very good level of knowledge on the subject. To help you sort through, and choose the right investment media within your PEE, the annual barometer of the Mercer firm analyzes the performance of the most present funds in employee savings.
Up to 40% return for the best employee savings fund in 2024
And with regard to 2024, it was better to have chosen funds invested in actions of large international companies: this category indeed displays a performance 19.87% According to the Mercer barometer, with up to 40% For the best international market fund on the market. “The actions segment in the United States was particularly promising, which really stimulated performance in 2024”, explains Vincent Lebailly, business savings director at Mercer France. We remember that the S&P 500 (the 500 largest American capitalizations), for example, increased by 27% last year.
However, it is unfortunately not on action that employees invest the most. Indeed, according to Mercer, a third of them prefer to opt for a much safer solution, by choosing a monetary fund, that is to say a fund invested in short-term debts of states and businesses. A strategy that has borne fruit last year, but that should not last: “The monetary funds displayed a yield of 3.70% in 2024, which is pretty good. However, with the drop in guiding rates in Europe, we are planning to lower yields this year “plans Vincent Lebailly.
On which category of funds to bet in 2025?
A perspective that does not bode well for this year. Indeed, the monetary or bond funds, not very risky, should report less, but the actions, in particular American, have also won heavily since the start of the year. So how to navigate this environment? For Vincent Lebailly, “It is preferable to diversify the geographic areas to better control your investment in equities”.
In addition, a withdrawal solution can also be sought on the side of diversified funds. The latter, “Offer an investment approach incorporating several asset classes (stocks, bonds, monetary, editor’s note) within the same fund”recalls Vincent Lebailly, a distribution of risk that can help you sail in the storm. Another solution, prefer controlled or mandate management, a management method which allows you to entrust the management of its investments to a professional, which can make it possible to avoid errors in a hectic financial context.
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