Despite the reduction in the ECB’s key rates and a marked slowdown in inflation, super savings accounts maintain attractive returns for savers looking for available and remunerated savings.
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– How high are the best rates for super bank accounts?
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What if the super booklets hadn’t yet said their last word? Certainly, the economic context does not work in their favor: inflation continues to decelerate, with an increase in prices measured at 1.3% in France in December 2024, compared to 3.7% a year earlier. For the current year, the Banque de France forecasts annual inflation of 2.1%, that is to say almost returned to its objective of 2%. As a result, the European Central Bank (ECB) is expected to continue this year its policy of lowering its key rates, which it began last June. Which will necessarily lower the yields on bank accounts (or super accounts) in the months to come.
The latter’s remuneration – freely set by the banks – depends on the level of the ECB’s short-term rates. Noting the decline in the latter, credit institutions have already reduced the rates displayed: a year ago, in January 2024, it was still possible to find super savings accounts paying more than 5% for three to four months. Now the best “boosted” offers for a limited period only rise to 4%. Some players, such as Monabanq, have also put an end to this type of commercial offer for the moment. In addition, since the end of 2024, the “regular” rates – which apply after the “boost” period – have fallen from 2.50% to 2.25% at Distingo and from 2.75%. % to 2.50% for the Renault Bank Zesto Booklet.
Some savings accounts show returns higher than inflation
However, “super booklets still have a card to play in the current period”for Marc Tempelman, co-founder of Cashbee. First, some still have net rates higher than inflation. Net, because unlike regulated savings accounts – Livret A, LDDS, LEP -, 30% must be deducted from the interest received for the single flat rate deduction (PFU or flat tax). However, whether it is boosted rates for a few months or annualized average rates – taking into account the boosted rate then the regular rate – certain offers beat inflation measured at the end of last year. This is the case, for example, of all rates boosted to 4% (2.8% net of flat tax), but also of certain annualized net rates, such as that of the Cashbee Booklet, which, at 1.925% net, brings in more than the current price increase.
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Then, even if it will remain unbeatable in terms of net yield, the main competitor of the super livrets, the Livret A, will lose some of its splendor soon: “The Livret A rate will fall to 2.4% from February 1, and if inflation remains very controlled, we can fear further reductions later in the year”recalls Marc Tempelman. Thus, if the rates of super books do not drop compared to those of Livret A, they could remain interesting additional investments, particularly for individuals who have reached the ceiling of their regulated booklet or who have significant cash to invest in the short term without taking any risk (following a sale of real estate or a business, an inheritance, etc.).
Thus, at the start of 2025, the best option to benefit from an attractive short-term return remains the boosted rate offer from Fortuneo’s Livret + with a rate of 4% for a period of 4 months (within the limit of 100,000 euros). For a slightly longer savings horizon, we will rather look at the Cashbee Booklet which displays a gross annualized rate of 2.75%. Finally, be careful not to wait any longer before opening your bank account, because certain offers end on January 31, 2025.
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