It’s hard to fight a craving once it’s there. But according to Dr Jimmy Mohamed, there is a fairly simple trick to limit snacking.
We’re not going to lie, breakdowns are part of everyday life. In the evening in front of the TV, it’s hard not to be tempted by a packet of sweets or chips to accompany watching a film. Let the one who has never done it cast the first stone at us. There is an explanation for this, and it lies in the habits of our ancestors according to Dr. Jimmy Mohamed. “Our brain naturally pushes us towards fatty and sugary foods. We owe this to our hunter-gatherer ancestor who struggled to find food to survive. Eating in large quantities as soon as possible was therefore a means of selection that we have anchored in our genes“, he writes in his book Zero constraints to lose weight (Editions Flammarion). Since then, our brain has failed to adapt despite the changes in our lifestyles, which explains our cravings in the evening, especially when we know that a packet of cakes is waiting for us in the kitchen cupboards. .
But to fight against this irrepressible urge to eat, the professional has an unusual trick. And it can be found in your kitchen storage! Indeed, in his book, Jimmy Mohamed says that our cravings are also linked to having several packaging and treats of different colors. “Having different colors will make you consume more, it is scientifically proven. The more choices you have in your cupboards, the more you will consume“, he explains. The solution? Buy only one type of candy, and eat it when you want it. “You will quickly be satisfied then disgusted“, promises the professional. To support his words, he takes the example of chocolate ice cream where the first bite is always better than the last. “It is the same for all foods: offer the same food several times in a row and its consumption will be reduced.“, he continues. So, by only keeping the same cake or candy in your cupboards, you will want to eat them less and less.
The Dr’s other tip? Put foods that are good for your health at eye level in the cupboards. Candies, cakes and other sweets should be hidden as high as possible or put in opaque containers. The goal? Do not spot them instantly. “This technique was evaluated in a group of forty employees who tended to eat more candy when it was nearby or directly visible! Out of sight, out of mouth, right?“, he concludes. So, ready to reorganize your kitchen?