Present at any cost Pope Francis challenges the cold of February and, still with bronchitis on him, he wants to preside over the mass for the jubilee of the armed and police forces. Outdoors, in a square San Pietro crowded by thirty thousand soldiers around the world (20 thousand Italians) begins to read the homily. He adds, on his arm, the theme that most is close to him, that of a God who is close, tender and compassionate. Explains the meeting of Jesus with the fishermen who have returned with empty networks, “like their heart”, bitterness and discouragement, but also the gaze of Jesus who, in the middle of the crowd, saw those fishermen, went up to the their boat and sat down to talk to them.
But then, after a few minutes he apologizes and asks “the master to continue reading”. In the prepared speech recalls that “Jesus does not limit himself to observing the things that do not go, as we often do by ending up closing ourselves in the lament and in bitterness; Instead he takes the initiative, he meets Simone, stops with him in that difficult moment and decides to get on the boat of his life, which on that night returned to the shore without success ». And when he sits, he begins to teach. «Jesus rises to the boat to teach, that is, to announce the good news, to bring the light into that night of disappointment, to narrate the beauty of God within the labors of human life, to make you feel that there is still hope even when everything seems lost». Only then does the miracle happen, “life starts again, hope is reborn, the lost enthusiasm returns and we can throw the net at sea again”.
Important words of hope just as you celebrates the Jubilee of the Armed, Police and Security Forces». The Pope He thanks “for the service” and recalls that “you are entrusted with a great mission, which embraces multiple dimensions of social and political life: the defense of our countries, the commitment for security, the custody of legality and justice, the Presence in imprisonment houses, the fight against crime and the different forms of violence that risk disturbing social peace. And I also remember those who offer their important service in natural disasters, for the protection of creation, for the rescue of lives at sea, for the most fragile, for the promotion of peace “.
Even to the military «the Lord asks to do like him: seeing, climbing, sitting. Seeing, because you are called to have a careful look, which knows how to grasp the threats to the common good, the dangers that affect the life of citizens, the environmental, social and political risks to which we are exposed. Go up, because your uniforms, the discipline that forged you, the courage that distinguishes you, the oath you have done, are all things that remind you how important it is not only to see the evil to report it, but also to climb the stormy boat And to commit himself because he does not make a shipwreck, with a mission at the service of good, freedom, and justice. And finally sit, because your being present in our cities and in our neighborhoods, your always being on the side of legality and on the side of the weakest, becomes a teaching for all of us: it teaches us that the good can win despite everythingteaches us that justice, loyalty and civil passion are still necessary today, teaches us that we can create a more human, more right and more fraternal world, despite the contrary forces of evil ».
Thanks the chaplains, «an important priestly presence in the midst of you. They are not needed – as sometimes it has sadly happened in history – to bless perverse war actions. No. They are among you as the presence of Christ, who wants to accompany you, offer you listening and closeness, encourage you to take off and support you in the mission you carry forward every day. As a moral and spiritual support, they make the way with you, helping you to carry out your positions in the light of the Gospel and the service of the good ».
And, while recalling the protective function they perform, “climbing on our dangerous boats”, The Pope also urges “not to lose sight of the purpose of your service and your actions: to promote life, save life, to defend life always”. For this he asks “to supervise against the temptation to cultivate a spirit of war; supervise in order not to be seduced by the myth of the strength and the noise of weapons; Watching in order to never be contaminated by the poison of the propaganda of hatred, which divides the world into friends to defend and enemies to fight. Instead, be courageous witnesses of the love of God the Father, who takes all brothers. And together, we walk to build a new era of peace, justice and fraternity ».