Many children tend to fall back on themselves, keeping for them what bothers them. To encourage them to confide, here is the sentence to say to them according to an expert.
Some children naturally tend to tell their parents everything, from the smallest detail of their day to their deepest thoughts. For others, it is much more difficult. Behind this silence, several possible reasons. Indeed, as the expert in parenthood Laurie Gozlan mentions, on her Instagram account @_petit_devenira_grand_, a child may be afraid of the reaction of his parent, fear a punishment or fear to disappoint him. Sometimes he just doesn’t see the point of sharing certain things, thinking that his parent will not be able to help him or that he will not believe it. Other times, it is shame that prevents him from speaking. In other words, a child can keep a secret, not because he does not want to talk about it, but because he is afraid of what will follow.
To promote a climate of confidence, it is therefore essential to reassure your child on the fact that he can say everything, without fear of judgment or excessive reaction. Parents sometimes tend to minimize or dramatize their confidences, which could make them chilly to the idea of expressing themselves freely. However, as the specialist points out, a child who feels that his parent is a solid shoulder will be more inclined to confide.
Indeed, the way in which a parent will welcome the secrets of his little one will therefore play a decisive role. It is not enough to listen, it is still necessary to do it with kindness and openness. If a child feels that his parent is uncomfortable, that he panics or judges too quickly, he will unfortunately prefer to be silent. Hence the importance of reacting with calm and showing that no subject is taboo. So how to formulate this availability and open -mindedness? As Laurie Gozlan indicates on Intagram, the sentence capable of making all the difference is none other than: “You can talk to me about absolutely everything, there is no subject of which I am not ready to chat with you. Whether bizarre, hard, annoying, funny … All these situations are part of the steps to grow and I like all our discussions.”
By clearly expressing your opening and your lack of judgment, you show your child that he is safe to share his thoughts and his emotions. It is also essential to establish this climate of trust to help him if necessary. In short, the guarantee of long conversations in head!