While there are almost 500,000 French members of a sect, according to precious data from Miviludes, several signals speaks volumes about an embryed person. Here are 3 specific clues.
In 2021, the former minister delegated to citizenship, Marlène Schiappa, revealed in an interview for The New Obs that “The sects today, it is no longer or no longer only the Church of Scientology or the solar temple, but many small groups. We count 500 in France“. When we talk about sects in our country, some famous immediately come to mind. We think for example of the order of the solar temple (ETs), Raël and the Raeli movement, the family or even anthroposophy …
Since 2002, there has been an organization created by the French State which has been responsible for analyzing the sectarian phenomenon, coordinating the action of public authorities against its excesses and informing the public about the dangers to which it is exposed. This interdepartmental organization called “Interministerial mission of vigilance and the fight against sectarian aberrations (Miviludes)” published a report in November 2022. The latter highlights a disturbing phenomenon: that of the growth of actions of a sectarian nature.
Also according to Miviludes, 1 in 5 French people know personally in his “family, friendly or professional entourage one or more people who have been victims of sectarian aberrations“Even children are affected by sects, as the special of It starts todayanimated this March 17 by Faustine Bollaert on France 2. It is therefore legitimate to ask: what particular signs should be attentive? There are a series of elements, forming a “harness of clues”, facilitating the characterization of a risk of sectarian drift. Here are 3 important to identify.
The first index that must challenge is the adoption of a language specific to the group which has been integrated by the individual. Indeed, the members of a sect speak a language which known to them only. Second clue, people who are enlisted in a sect also tend to give stereotypical answers to all existential questions. These responses often aim to give a vision of the one -dimensional world where the sect holds all the answers.
Finally, the third index is that of the modification of eating or clothing habits. Moreover, Delphine Guerard, psychologist and expert with the courts of Paris, described the sectarian grip in a video for Explore Media as pushing the followers to lose “”All fantasy, singularity“. If you notice these 3 signs with a loved one, it must put you on alert and, according to the advice of Miville, do not” must “Never break the link“With the person caught in a sect to try to make him aware of things and try to extricate him.