Synonymous with complications, this phenomenon is back and will occur no less than three times in 2025. What is its influence on the house and what decisions is it better to avoid taking in terms of decoration? Answers and advice in this period of astral agitation.
Until April 7, 2025, Mercury will start its retrograde movement into ram and fish. During this phase, confusion reigns: misunderstandings, delayed deliveries, hasty decisions … in decoration, it can quickly turn to fiasco! It is therefore better to move forward with caution to avoid regrettable mistakes. Rather than rushing down, take advantage of it to observe and refine your desires. Sorting, reassessing the atmosphere of your interior and testing without obligation is more wise.
On the work and development side, it is better to postpone major decisions. Artisans can be delayed, quotes contain errors, and impulsive purchases may not be adapted once the retrograde has passed. Patience and observation are in order. And among the errors not to be made while retrograde Mercury, under penalty of regretting it as early as mid-April, there is: the purchase of furniture or online decoration. Indeed, control errors and delivery delays are (too) frequent.
Radically change the color of the walls? Forget! A whim and now the beige living room becomes electric blue. The problem ? The effects of this impulse can be poorly perceived once the period is over. Testing on a sample and waiting for a few weeks is more prudent. Launch a major renovation project? Negative too. A site started during this period may accumulate delays, communication errors with craftsmen and misunderstandings on the choices of materials. If a renovation is essential, be sure to check everything three times rather than one.
If the retrograde of mercury does not prohibit the decor, it invites to move forward with caution. Beware of impulsive decisions, regrettable purchases or poorly committed renovation projects … Take advantage of this moment to think, observe and refine your desires before acting. After April 7, everything will be more fluid and more aligned with your real needs, courage.