Do you have parts lying around in your wallet or in an old stove? Take a few seconds to inspect them. A simple 1 euro piece can bring you big. Only one condition: that it bears the right date.
The euro has been circulating for over twenty years, and yet some pieces have become collectibles. No need for a special edition or a print error to see their value climb up. Sometimes it is a simple question of rarity.
Take the part of 2 euros bearing the image of Grace Kelly. Emitted in 2007 in very limited quantities, it can now reach several thousand euros. But here we are not talking about such a prestigious room. It is a banal 1 euro, the one you use every day, which could well be worth a small fortune. Indeed, this particular piece was struck in 1999. However, the euro officially started to circulate until 2002. So how to explain this date? It’s very simple. The euro was adopted in 1999, but only for banking transactions. It was not until three years before the tickets and the parts appeared in the portfolios of the Europeans.
Nevertheless, certain parts were struck in 1999 in preparation for the monetary transition. These copies are therefore very sought after today because they are extremely rare. Indeed, collectors tear them away and are ready to spend several hundred euros to have one. For example, you will find this piece in question for sale at 450 euros on Rakuten, 500 euros on Etsy or even 2,000 euros on Ebay! You will understand, if the date indicated is indeed 1999, then you are in possession of a little numismatic gem.
How do you proceed if you have found this precious euro in your currency? Several options are available to you. The platforms specialized in numismatics make it possible to sell directly to collectors. Online auctions, like eBay, can also be a good solution, because as you can see, prices climb quickly.
Obviously, its value also depends on its state. A room in excellent condition, without scratches or visible wear, will reach a much higher price on the market. If it has circulated a lot, its rating will drop, but it can still be worth much more than a simple euro. So open the eye!