Very easy to reproduce, a tip improves the efficiency of your moisturizer in the evening. Explanation.
On social networks, but also in the streets, more and more people are a radiant complexion, without an ounce of makeup. The secret of this bright skin? Hydration, of course! The good news? With good reflexes, everyone can get this famous good look. First of all, it is important to have a running routine especially in the evening: after having scrupulously cleaned your face, apply a serum and a moisturizer. Only here, many of us have already felt this feeling of tightness even after using a fairly rich cream, a sign that it is not hydrating enough. Fortunately, there is a method to increase its effectiveness. Better yet, it is easy to reproduce every evening. Follow the leader !
To make this tip, nothing could be simpler: just take your usual products and a face oil. Each evening, after having executed your skin care ritual, heat a few drops of the oil between your palms of hands. Then come and press them on the face to provide deep nutrition and hydration to the epidermis. Face oil acts as a protective barrier of the skin, allows better absorption of the products applied before by “trapping”, while providing a double dose of hydration. A real happiness for dry skin! Respecting this order is very important since if the oils can penetrate many moisturizers, serums, creams and go further in the epidermis, little of this treatments can penetrate an oil. It is advisable to make this tip at least thirty minutes before going under the sheets. This will avoid stain the linen, and give the skin time to absorb the product.
Choosing the right oil you apply is also important. Dry skins can opt for a benchmark enriched in squalane, vitamin A, or avocado oil. Mixed to fatty epiderms will rather turn to jojoba oil (seboregulator), wild rose or hazelnut. Finally, if you are looking for an anti-wrinkle effect, do not hesitate to choose a product with bakuchiol or retinol. So, ready to have a radiant complexion?