A study proves the benefits for the health of certain French eating habits.
This is a study that will please the French. According to researchers, eating in the way of the French prolong life expectancy by reducing the mortality of all causes, including by cancer. In France, 9 out of 10 deaths are linked to a non -transmitted disease (MNT). Among them, cardiovascular diseases such as infarction and stroke, cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory infections. The risk of contracting these pathologies increases with sedentary lifestyle, tobacco, alcohol and food. A final major risk factor.
The main objective of scientists was to assess the effect of compliance with French food recommendations as part of the National Nutrition Health Program (PNNS). A questionnaire was sent to 72,585 women in order to assess the frequency and quantity of food consumed. The researchers used a scale called “SPNNS-GS2”: the higher the score, the closer the food was. The data has been adjusted on various factors such as age, body mass index (BMI) or smoking.
After a 19 -year follow -up, 6,441 deaths were recorded, including 3,473 by cancers. A “statistically significant association” has been observed between membership of the French diet and the reduction in mortality risk “All causes combined, cardiovascular disease, cancer, breast cancer and lung cancer” Report researchers in the journal “Nutrition Journal”. No association with mortality by colorectal cancer, however, has been demonstrated. For the authors, you must promote the components of French food such as fruits and vegetables (this is the type of n ° 1 food of a healthy diet to eat every day), nuts, legumes, complete foods, milk and dairy products, fish and seafood, and vegetable fat added, and limit red meat, cold meats, sweet food, sweet drinks, alcoholic drinks and salt.
The study nuances its results on a point: this prevention effect does not progress indefinitely. Beyond a certain threshold, it stagnates, and can even be reversed with regard to lung cancer. The fault of certain pesticides and pollutants present on fruits, vegetables and fish. Hence the recommendation of nutrition specialists to buy organic food as much as possible.