Is this a customer? A job offer? Or yet another spam? To no longer hesitate before picking up, here is the tip.
Telephone canvassing calls poison the daily lives of many French people. If Bloctel has left you wanting more and Daisy, the grandmother generated by artificial intelligence who drives scammers crazy, seems amusing but impractical to you, listen up. A much simpler tip might just put an end to these inconveniences once and for all.
Indeed, who has never been disturbed in the middle of a meal or during an important meeting by an insistent unknown call? These calls often come from cold calling centers and Bloctel, the government’s solution, seems very ineffective in dealing with the problem. For what ? Because it only applies to companies already complying with the legislation. The others continue their little scheme shamelessly. For the most annoyed among us, know that there is a solution accessible to all and 100% free. The latter is based on two tools: a call filtering application and a list of unwanted numbers to block. Simple to configure and particularly effective, it guarantees to get rid of these unwanted requests.
For iPhone users, BeGone app will be the best choice. It allows you to create lists of blocked calls and automatically filter unwanted numbers. If you’re on Android, the Call Filter app performs the same function. Sylvain Tillon, expert in the fight against disinformation, revealed on his LinkedIn account the number ranges used for cold calling, in accordance with French legislation. These are the numbers that you will need to add to your “blocked” list: +33 4 23 10 ## ##, +33 1 62 ## ## ##, +33 1 63 ## ## ##, +33 2 70 ## ## ##, +33 2 71 ## ## ##, +33 3 77 ## ## ##, +33 3 78 ## ## ##, +33 4 24 ## ## ##, +33 4 25 ## ## ##, +33 5 68 ## ## ##, +33 5 69 ## ## ## , +33 9 48 ## ## ##, +33 9 49 ## ## ##. By indicating certain numbers with the pound key, you allow the application to block all numbers starting with the 5 digits indicated. Once the settings are made, there is nothing more you need to do. Calls are filtered automatically.
Moreover, many Internet users are satisfied judging by some comments such as: “I set it up a few months ago now, it’s so effective!” And for those worried about missing an important call: don’t panic. Blocked calls appear in your missed calls log. So, if a legitimate number was accidentally filtered, you can easily unblock it in just a few clicks.