If you dream of a job to exercise from the house, without having to start the car or beep your metro card to go to work, here is the field of activity that is looking for the most teleworkers.
Since containment, teleworking has exploded in France. The companies are finally more flexible and offer more to their employees to carry out part of their daily missions from their home. This has given rise to an upheaval in the world of work with thousands of employees who have moved elsewhere by looking for a job in Full Remote : that is to say completely in telework! According to a survey carried out by Flexjobsthe number one site of remote jobs, teleworking would currently be the most sought -after criterion in a job according to 81% of respondents, in front of the salary, the possibilities of developments and the benefits …
Indeed, still according to Flexjobs, “Teleworking is a non -negotiable advantage for the majority of candidates, it is therefore encouraging to see a range of trades as diverse offering professionals more possibilities to work remotely”. These experts specify: “It is a positive development both for professionals who are looking for a balance between professional and private life and for employers who seek to attract the best talents in a competitive market.” Who would want to go to the office today 5 days a week, every week, having to face either the traffic jams or the world in public transport?
After having analyzed 50 trades, between January and December 2024, it therefore appears that the communication, IT and business development sectors are among the areas offering the most post -work positions. We are talking about jobs here such as community manager, editor designer, IT project manager, business consultant, etc. But the sector having experienced the most significant teleworking question during the year, and rising to the first step of the podium, is none other than engineering.
In particular, there are technical support engineering stations, application developer or software engineer. As you can see, a particularly promising professional sphere for distance work followers. So if these professions interest you and you think you can respond to the job offers offered, it’s time to send your CV!