Anny Duperey, back on our small screens in the “Death of a Shepherd” TV movie “on France 3, has no trouble talking about the end of life. The 77 -year -old actress confided in “Gala” on her relationship to death …
At 77, Anny Duperey is an actress who continues to count for the French. The actress, playing the film Death of a shepherd, This March 4 on France 3, does not intend to retire anytime soon, but already thinks of the end of life …
Anny Duperey does not want to “depend on anyone”: her confidences about her end of life
Questioned by our colleagues from Gala In 2022 on her vision of age and end of life, Anny Duperey was very cash. “Until then, everything is fine”she had first declared in the columns of the newspaper. Before specifying that it counts however “Leaving before being a weight”.
“I hold from my family precisely, this thing which has never been clearly said, but which is transmitted by natural impregnation: never depend on anyone to make me live. And especially not a man”had then dropped Gaël and Sara’s mother, the two children she had with the man with whom she shared her life for fifteen years, Bernard Giraudeau.
However, Anny Duperey does not intend to stop her career as an actress. “”I don’t want to stop. You know, it helps a lot to stay in shape, to play, to go on stage“, she told Nice morning Before explaining: “We have an obligation to speak, to be in good shape, to be able to play in public. It’s like an extraordinary corset that keeps you alive “.
Anny Duperey: why she didn’t want children
The one with six grandchildren and is also “Grandmother of replacement of the two daughters of (his) niece, since (his) poor sister is no longer there” could well have been able to miss this happiness. The actress did not want to have children before meeting Bernard Giraudeau.
And for good reason, his past was already very heavy. Her parents died when she was eight years old after carbon monoxide poisoning. But the actress was finally convinced by her companion of the time who had declared to her: “The refusal of a child at this point is a form of suicide”. Words that had resonated in it. “Yes, it was a form of suicide and revenge. A way of saying: ‘you left me, well you will not follow, it will end there'”had conceded Anny Duperey.