Spring is fast approaching but insects too and they are not welcome, especially when it comes to the cookbes.
Everyone is delighted with the return of sunny days and insects too. With the increase in temperatures, but also of humidity, the conditions become ideal for the proliferation of certain parasites, especially in kitchens where the storage of food products attracts unwanted. Invisible at first, they settle down discreetly and quickly become a nightmare from which it is difficult to get rid of. Contrary to what one might think, food mites are not the only scourge of the cupboards and you would do well to check that this other harmful does not settle in your home.
The problem is that these small invaders attack your food reserves directly, especially to dry products such as cereals, flour or rice. By opening a package, you can sometimes discover tiny larvae or nibbled grains. Their presence not only leads to the loss of contaminated foods but also rapid proliferation. Worse, these parasites can go from one package to another, making the infestation difficult to control. This discreet but formidable culprit has a name: the charançon of rice.
To locate it, you must be attentive to several signs. Adults are small dark brown insects, measuring about 2 to 3 mm. They have an elongated body and a prolonged head of a long snout. But it is above all their larvae, white and invisible at the first glance, which pose a problem. They develop inside the grains, making the infestation difficult to detect before it is too late. Sometimes fine dust of flour or small holes in the grains signal their presence.
Getting rid of the rice weevil requires rapid and effective action. The first step is to immediately throw all the contaminated packages and thoroughly clean the cupboards. Paccinator in every corner eliminates invisible eggs. Place suspect food in the freezer for 72 hours kills any remaining larvae. Finally, you can clean the shelves with white vinegar to dissuade them from coming back.
To avoid their appearance, some precautions are essential. It is recommended to always store dry products in hermetic jars in glass or hard plastic. Also prefer to buy in small quantities to limit the risk of contamination.