On some wedding dresses, the buttons can be sewn along the entire length of the back. And to button all this, you will need help and a lot of patience. But this little tip will save you precious time on D -Day.
Wedding dresses are often imagined, sometimes created and drawn, but at this stage of making, we don’t really think about the practical side to put on the D -Day. Indeed, the preparation of the young bride is quite timed: Between makeup, hairstyle and taking photos, everything must be organized and well planned. Also, the slightest time saving is welcome.
But when the model includes pimples as a closure, the brides need the help of their best friend, their mother or the bridesmaid to put on their dress and button it all. On some models, these buttons are sewn along the entire length, in the back, which brings a lot of charm to the immaculate dress, but which makes the task more difficult. And it also takes a long time! So, if you get married soon or plan to help a future bride to dress, this little tip could be very useful!
Rather than working to close each button by hand, one by one, take a simple hairpin. As on the video at the top of the article, you just have to hold the pliers on the side of the peaks, to slide it inside the button (sewing side). So when you come out, catch the pearl button with the head of the pin. All you have to do is remove the pliers in a very simple way, with a small movement on the side. A very practical wedding tip that only takes a second! And if you don’t have a hairpin on hand, you can also test this technique with a trombone.
Finally, if your wedding dress does not have any pimples, but a zipper and you need to close your outfit alone, the best known tip is to use a ribbon or a lace in the small hole in the tank. Passing the ribbon over your shoulder, you will only have to shoot forward. The ideal is still to organize yourself upstream in order to always have a person with you who can help you dress, and do not forget to also plan hair clips!