Knowing that a recruiter spends an average of 7 seconds to decide if your message deserves his attention, the object of your email then becomes your best weapon.
With dozens, even hundreds of applications that flock every day, capture the attention of a recruiter may seem mission impossible. However, a neglected detail can change the situation: the subject of the email. Well thought out, he can intrigue, encourage click and offer you a precious chance of being noticed. So how to transform this first contact into an opportunity? It’s filou but it’s worth trying …
The secret lies in a simple, but effective principle: playing on human curiosity. Too often, candidates are satisfied with an ordinary object, of the type “Application for …”. These neutral formulations, although clear, are likely to blend into the mass. To stand out, it is then necessary to opt for a more strategic, more engaging approach. Take an example. On the one hand, a classic object: “Application – Marketing assistant”. On the other, a more subtle object: “Re: Proposal for the position of marketing assistant”. Which one is the most likely to be opened first? The second, without a doubt. For what ? Because the “Re:” at the start of the object creates the illusion of a conversation in progress. The recruiter, pressed and confronted with overload of work, is instinctively attracted by this type of email, which seems to require a quick response.
This method is based on a simple psychological mechanism: recruiters, just like all of us, tend to favor messages a priori already engaged. They pay less attention to cold and standardized emails. However, this technique should not be used lightly. If it is poorly controlled, it can be perceived as an attempt to manipulate. To avoid this pitfall, particularly care for the content of the email. Take advantage of this opening to go straight to the point: who you are, why you apply and what you can bring to the company.
Another essential point: stay professional. The “Re:” is a tool, not a guarantee. He must naturally integrate into a neat application. For example, you can legitimately use it if you apply after exchanging with contact within the company. In this case, it strengthens the idea that your approach is a continuation. In short, to test!