It’s not always easy to find smart solutions to save space inside. Fortunately, decorating pros are never short of ideas and here is one that should amaze you!
Whatever your current surface area, small in need of optimization or comfortable, but not functional enough, we always need space and we would like to be able to push the walls. This is a recurring problem that architects, interior designers and other decorators often deal with, and it is your number 1 concern.
In their bag are a host of tips and tricks to save every last square centimeter: exploit the available wall space with shelves, opt for multifunctional furniture, also declutter, use and abuse well-placed mirrors, prefer light colors and in invite more lively touches, focus on verticality with full-height storage and so on and the best. There are many clever ideas for hunting down even the slightest square meter that was lost or not properly used, and yet there is one that seems to have escaped your attention. This is not the case for architects, who often rely on the sliding door. Yes, the latter allows you to save 1 to 1.5 m² per door, compared to a traditional hinged model, which is no small thing!
Specifically, swing doors require space to open and close, which can block or render part of the room unusable. Sliding doors, for their part, slide along a rail and thus do not encroach on the living space, guaranteed optimization, especially in small rooms or narrow spaces, such as a corridor!
With a little skill, you can install it yourself as a surface mount, the most basic installation system, where the rail is mounted directly on the wall. And this, whatever your partition, provided that the available space is wide enough to allow the door to slide freely, or at least 2 meters, corresponding to the length of the rail. Although this installation is simple and economical, the major disadvantage lies in the fact that the rail remains visible, which can be less aesthetic than a pocket door. A more expensive solution, because it fits into the wall. Our advice? Paint the rail the same color as your wall, so it will be forgotten!