It is not uncommon to have the tuberous breasts but it is a complex for many adolescent girls and adult women.
Having the tuberous breasts is the complex of many women, especially young women. “”Teenagers do not talk about it, they are ashamed and avoid being naked in front of their parents or their friends“Observe Dr. Isabelle Sarfati, visual surgeon. Yet”It is an extremely frequent malformation. In a school, out of 100 teenagers, this malformation is most certainly present in several of them“.
What does it mean to have the tuberous breasts?
Tuberous breasts present a defect in the development of the breast base and a protrusion of the areola. The breast grows in the shape of a tube or “tuber”, it falls more than the “normal” breast. It is characterized by:
- an under-emammary furrow too high with a breast which often falls over the sub-mamman groove ;
- Extended areolasdistended and praised which often look inside.
There is most often a asymmetry : “This malformation does not necessarily touch the two breasts, it can affect one. And when this malformation is present at the level of the two breasts, it does not touch them in the same way“, she adds. A classification of the tuberous breasts allows experts to apprehend the severity of pathology according to 3 grades : grade 1 (50 % of cases), defect of the inferro-interne quadrant and the areola looks down and inside; Grade 2 (25 % of cases), defect of the two lower quadrants of the breast, the areola looks at the bottom; And the grade 3 (25 % of cases), all the quadrants in the breast are lacking, the breast does not come out at the level of the areola.
What is the cause of the tuberous breasts?
It would be a problem during embryogenesis which will only appear in adolescence when growing chest. This breast malformation is probably Congenital but non -hereditary“That is to say, it is most often not transmissible “.
What solutions in case of tuberful breasts?
There is no obligation to operate tubes. You can live in perfect health with it. The use of surgery can be evoked if it is difficult to experience a different chest. Several techniques can be used: lipofilling, skin relations (in particular the reduction in the size of the areola) and the installation of prostheses.
► Lipofilling is a surgical technique that allows fat transfer. The fat is taken by liposuction and reinjected in the breast (Filling = filling.) “This technique makes it possible to sculpt the breast, increase the volume if necessary and lower the lower quadrants. It’s tailor-made“.
► Skin relations will allow Reduce the size of the areola or straighten a falling breast.
► Prostheses ensure an increase in overall breast volume. “”It is a good solution in lean women who have no volume at all and no fat to take, but it is a monobloc increase much less tailor-made than lipofilling “.
The combination of these three techniques makes it possible to take care of all tubes.
Tuberous breast surgery can be achieved with a young girl from 15-16 years old (On request and parental agreement). There is no upper age limit. Depending on the technique used, the operation is carried out As an outpatient for lipofilling or skin resection, with a night of hospitalization if there is a prosthesis installation. It is superficial surgery that takes place between the skin and the rib cage, the operating suites are quite simple. Aesthetic results are often very good Regarding the form, volume and symmetry of the breasts. When skin relations are necessary, the quality of the scars is variable from one person to another. Correction of tubereful breasts may require two interventions to obtain an optimal result. “”This surgery is therefore not invasive, not very painful and gives a lot of satisfaction both to the patient and to the surgeon. It is surgery that requires experience “concludes Isabelle Sarfati.
Thank you to Dr Isabelle Sarfati, plastic surgeon at the Institut du Breast in Paris.