After a resounding success in the 2000s and then deemed exceeded in recent years, this makeup technique returns more assumed than ever to the great pleasure of beauty fans.
Abandoned in recent years in favor of a more natural makeup, this classic of beauty redids a remarkable appearance on the red carpet of the Grammy Awards 2025. Adored Millennials and criticized by generation Z, it nevertheless stands out as the makeup gesture Lighthouse of American stars. A return in force which may well move the trends.
The Grammy Awards, an unmissable meeting of the music scene, are also a real showcase of the beauty trends to come. This year, the spotlights were on a specific beauty, formerly deemed obsolete. Exit the ultra-natural looks and the “Makeup No-Makeup” group complexion. Make way for a dramatic touch that structures the gaze and redefines the codes of modern makeup. Miley Cyrus, known for her daring choices, has opted for a graphic and structured version. Taylor Swift, faithful to his habits, sported him in a sophisticated style. Charli XCX, on the other hand, preferred to play the exaggeration card, putting it at the center of its makeup for an assumed theatrical effect.
Long relayed to the background, the eyeliner therefore makes a shattering come-back. From the trait of feline to the Smudgy effect, it appears in all its variations on red carpet. A classic which, obviously, has never really disappeared, but which reappears in a more daring form than ever.
So, whether you opt for a fine and discreet layout or a dramatic look Cat-Eye, one thing is certain: the eyeliner is again the undisputed ally of an assertive look.