The dryer facilitates everyday life, but it can increase the electricity bill. Fortunately, a simple solution exists: drying balls. Use, assets, maintenance … We explain why they can really make the difference.
Very practical to reduce drying time and save energy, drying balls combine simplicity and efficiency. Presenting itself in the form of small spherical balls, the drying balls are covered with pins (round or square) in plastic or aluminum but also smooth in wool. Hypoallergenic, without any danger to health and flexible, these balls are in the heart of drying laundry in order to better circulate the air and thus dry the textiles. By using a drying ball, you save yourself the addition of softening since these small balls are designed to soften your laundry. The main assets of a drying ball:
- Optimize drying of linen
- Be harmless for sensitive skin
- Avoid unwanted bouloches
- Make you save energy
Very resistant, plastic drying balls have a Average lifespan of 5 years. The woolen washing balls resist around 500 washes.
Which drying ball to choose?
The drying ball exists in many brands these days. A drying ball can be aluminum or plastic and more rarely, in wool:
- The aluminum ball is the most economical but its lifespan will be shorter, crumbling as and when, especially since these bullets do not have the capacity to capture humidity.
- The plastic ball is more durable and performs the same type of actions, but it is not permeable either.
- As for the wool ball, it is known for its high quality because it makes both circulate air, it is resistant and capable of retaining humidity. Ransom of glory, its cost is more expensive.
A drying ball must be chosen in a precise diameter. Most often sold with a Diameter of 6 cmyou can also find spherical drying balls provided with 8 cm diameter pins. These two sizes remain recommended for effective use. By choosing smaller or larger, you may have some disappointments: the smallest size will be ineffective, the other will weigh too heavy in the drum.
The use of drying balls is quite simple: you just have drumat the heart of the linen. As soon as the drying cycle begins, they execute their missions by being driven by the air of the aircraft. They soften the fibers of the textiles, circulate the heat while separating the linen, in particular thanks to the action of the round or square pins, which has the effect of optimizing drying and avoiding the ironing chore.
Do not be surprised at the noise that these drying balls can make, known to be quite noisy. A drying ball is enough by cycle: no need to put two. For wool bullets, allow 3 for a machine of 3 to 6 kg.
How to maintain a drying ball?
Like any accessory, the drying ball must be maintained. We generally advise to clean them every 5 months on average. You have several possibilities: either to wash with hot water, the drying balls installed in a bag, or leave them under boiling water for a few minutes. Simple and efficient these maintenance sessions!