In Italy over a woman (28.3%) and a minor (29.9%) on four live in regions with little access to fundamental rights. The Weworld Index Italia 2025, the relationship that analyzes the condition of women, girls, boys and young people in our country assigns Italy just enough. Women record the worst performance (42.4 out of 100), confirming the most vulnerable social group and most exposed to marginalization and violation of human rights. In particular, women with children of Southern Italy have an employment rate that does not exceed 69.5% compared to that of children without children. Black shirt at Sicily, where the percentage drops to 52%.
The reports of the report confirm a deep gap between North and South. The southern regions are the most lacking in the implementation of fundamental rights, such as education and health, and have significant difficulties also in terms of economic condition and female political participation. South mothers are the most affected, not only for low job opportunities: The coverage of socio -educational services is stopped at 17.3% (against the European goal of 45%), making it even more difficult to reconcile work and family. Northern Italy also does not reach optimal levels, showing that the whole country struggles to invest in children’s policies and gender equality.
Our country then continues not to adequately support families: It is not a country neither for mothers nor for fathers. The lack of effective policies in support of parenting increases the difficulties in conciliation between private and work life, limits access to quality services and contributes to a growing economic fragility. Paternity leave and parental leave for Fathers remain privileges for a few: the first is too short, the second has insufficient salary. An absence of effective policies that brakes female employment and negatively impacts on the well -being of families: shared parenting is a benefit for everyone, yet Italy is still far from really supporting it.
“We feel continually speaking in the political discourse of the family, yet the real families – those made of mothers who fight to reconcile work and private life, of fathers who would like but cannot be present, of boys and girls without essential services – remain outside the country’s priorities. Not to mention the non -traditional, single -venue families, with migratory background, homogenitorial, whose needs remain completely on the margins. Structural policies are needed, not commercial measures, which guarantee equal opportunities to women, girls and boys, starting from fair access to educational and health services and a concrete commitment to redistribute the care work “, he says Dina Taddiadelegated councilor of Weworld.
Inside the Weworld Index 2025 also the unpublished results of a survey made together with Ipsos, highlights gender inequalities in the world of work. Gender discrimination in job interviews is still quite widespread: 61% of women have been asked if they had childrenat 44% if they were planning to have, 22 percentage points more than men. For Weworld it is therefore necessary to act on several levels, cults, welfare and work, promoting a vision of the family that recognizes and enhances its plurality. In particular, it would be necessary to guarantee accessible services such as nursery schools and a more inclusive school organization, encourage conciliation between professional and family life, without falling only on women. For this reason, the association invites institutions and civil society to a comparison to develop effective solutions and improve the condition of families in Italy, guaranteeing equal rights and opportunities for the new generations.
(In the photo, the presentation of the fourth edition of the Weworld Index today 25 March at Palazzo Giustiniani in Rome, in the presence of the senators Simona Malpezzi, vice -president of the parliamentary commission for childhood and adolescence, and Lavinia Mennuni, member of the parliamentary commission for childhood and adolescence)