The increase in prostate size can lead to the appearance of very disabling symptoms.
Located under the bladder, in front of the rectum, the prostate is a male gland which secretes part of the seminal fluid and which produces prostatic fluid. “It has a role of synthesizing seminal fluid and expulsion of sperm, therefore of the physiological mechanism of ejaculation, via the muscles it has”reminds us of Dr. Julien Anract, urologist surgeon in the urology department of Cochin hospital and researcher at Inserm. The size of this gland increases naturally with age.
The increase in prostate size concerns “50% of men from 60 years old up to 80% of men at the age of 80”continues the specialist. This increase in volume is linked to mechanisms that involve “probably” Inflammation and spontaneous aging but whose exact causes are still vague. “All men do not develop an increase in the volume of the prostate and this is currently the subject of research” recalls the doctor. The increase in the volume of this gland is called “benign hypertrophy of the prostate” or “HBP”. It is not tumor, that is to say that it is not cancer but it causes very disabling symptoms classified into 2 categories:
► Symptoms linked to the obstruction of the bladder. “Men need to push to empty their bladder and often they cannot empty it entirely.”
► Symptoms linked to inflammation: night levees, very frequent urinating), sometimes difficult to remember, which can go as far as urinary leaks.
“On the other hand, there is something that we do not understand very well, is that the increase in the volume of the prostate is not directly correlated with the severity of the symptoms”specifies Dr Anract. So, “There is no classification of the normal prostate size by age, because that would mean that the bigger it is, the more you have to operate, or we try to fight against this idea”. Know that a so -called “normal” prostate has a volume of about 15 grams. From 60 years old, it can increase to reach a volume of 40 grams, then 50, then 100 and more rarely, up to 200 to 300 grams. For comparison, 15 grams correspond to the volume of a Leetchi, 50 grams at the volume of a clementine and 150 grams at the volume of an orange. “Some people have a prostate of 100 grams and are not very embarrassed and others have symptoms with a prostate of 40 grams.”
In case of prostatic or urinary symptoms, consult the attending physician. Regarding care, our specialist is clear: “We should not treat an increase in prostate, but an increase in symptomatic prostate volume must be treated.” There are drug treatments to relax prostatic muscles and reduce the volume of the prostate. Persistent symptoms may require surgery which is carried out by natural routes (endoscopy), the aim of which is to widen the canal of the urethra cloged by the prostate.