Smegma is a physiological liquid present in women and men.
What is the definition of SMEGMA?
SMEGMA is a biological liquid naturally produced in women and in humans. It often accumulates under the foreskin or in the vulvar region. Its main function is to clean the vulva and the penis by expelling dead cells and impurities. It looks like a whitish and pasty deposit. The amount of SMEGMA varies depending on individuals and their hygiene. In humans: the SMEGMA is housed in the groove of the glans. In women: the SMEGMA is housed on the clitoris and the small lips.
What is the SMEGMA composed?
“”SMEGMA is a mixture of the flaving of dead epithelial cells and secretion of the sebaceous glands“, Answers Dr. Odile Bagot, gynecologist. The SMEGMA is secreted by the preputial glands, glands located under the foreskin in humans and by the Glands of Tyson in women.
What is the SMEGMA for?
If the role of SMEGMA is still poorly known, it is nevertheless lent to it some pheromonal functions. On the other hand, it would act as a natural cleaner of the reproductive system and it would ensure a lubrication role by maintaining good hydration. In the little boy, the SMEGMA would allow the foreskin to take off more easily from the glans, thereby reducing the risks of phimosis, a penis affection.
What is the color of the SMEGMA?
“Smegma looks like a whitish deposit, a rather oily texture”says Dr. Bagot.
Do we still have SMEGMA in case of circumcision?
Because this gesture consists in removing the foreskin, the preputial glands secrete less smegma. In other words, circumcision decreases the amount of SMEGMA, but it depends on the amount of skin removed.
Lots of SMEGMA: The sign of what?
The quantity of SMEGMA varies depending on age, but also of body hygiene. If the vulva or the penis is not sufficiently cleaned, the SMEGMA can accumulate and this cluster of SMEGMA can cause chronic irritation and inflammation of the penis or the vulva.
Sometimes SMEGMA takes a strong smell, when it accumulates and comes into contact with skin bacteria. In this case and to prevent these smells from occurring, good body hygiene stands up by cleaning the area with suitable water and soap. “”Men will take care to offset to gently eliminate liquid, women to carefully clean the vulvar area with a specific product“, recommends our expert. The hygiene lack can cause various diseases such as Balanite, caused by the accumulation of SMEGMA between the glans and the foreskin. The glans is then red and inflamed.
Thanks to Dr Odile Bagot, gynecologist.